FAA/NTSB flight control software cover-up remediation
FAA FOIA lsawsuit - District of Columbia avoidable.

First posted
Friday March 24, 2023 16:09
Monday September 9,2024 12:13

Ended 9/09/24. http://www.prosefights2.orgF/irp2023/windscammers20.htm

Started 9/09/24. http://www.prosefights2.orgF/irp2023/windscammers21.htm


Conduct unbecoming navy officer Admiral William H Payne Complaint.


EyeglassWorld reading glasses and and optometrist exam issues.

Unable to update above page. Updated page below.


Kaneohe Poseiden P8A FOIA.

Vinson F-35C FOIA.


1. communication or cooperation which facilitates
a close working relationship between people or organizations.
Department of Defense Department of the Navy


Chief of Naval Operations, DNS-36
2000 Navy Pentagon
Washington, DC 20350-2000

a course or principle of action adopted or proposed by a government, party, business, or individual.


fool or cheat (someone).

the action or process of providing someone or something with an official document attesting to a status or level of achievement.

the action of harming someone because they have harmed oneself; revenge.

the inescapable agent of someone's or something's downfall.
persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception.


persuade (someone) to do or believe something, typically by use of a deception.

Reprimand: "a rebuke, especially an official one.

Phone numbers issues.

Recording 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9.
Phone message from US government?.

Two forms of id?
Feb 27, 2023. 4:41?PM (2 days ago)
to me, DONFOIAPublicLiaison@navy.mil

Good evening, Mr. Payne,

Per our phone conversation, I recommend that you consider the following as points of contact possibly relevant to your concern of ensuring the safety of the avionics of the F-35:

1. The U.S Naval Safety Command, which conducts investigations of naval aviation mishaps. Quarterdeck: 757-444-3520. To report a mishap (or in this case, possibly, a potential mishap), Staff Duty Officer: 757-444-3520v ext. 7017.

2. The U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/ U.S. Tenth Fleet, 9800 Savage Road, Suite 6586, Fort Mead, Md 20755. To send them a message, go to https://www.fcc.navy.mil/Contact-Us/

As to making a request of the Department of the Navy under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), the main way to do so is to use FOIAonline. This is a website that you can find simply by searching the internet for the term “FOIAonline” (the correct site should appear as the top hit, and it will contain “foiaonline.gov” as part of the URL). FOIAonline is intended to be easy to use by the public; nevertheless, if you have any further questions or concerns, do not hesitate to let me know.


Christopher Julka
Freedom of Information Act
Policy Coordinator & Public Liaison
Department of the Navy
Office of the Chief Information Officer


(703) 697-0031

From: william payne
Sent: Monday, February 27, 2023 1:12 PM
To: DONFOIAPublicLiaison@navy.mil
Subject: [URL Verdict: Unknown][Non-DoD Source] bill payne alternate email address

Hello Mr Julka,
Alternate email address.

Sunday February 26, 2023 19:07

Module sizes, updates, costs?
Department of the Navy Christopher Julka 2/24/23 phone message.

F-18 Carrier break and landing!.



The statute of limitations for a FOIA claim is six years. However, a requester may refile their FOIA request to restart the statute of limitations.Feb 21, 2017
Airbus A220 autopilot warning. Full coverage.

FAA wants pilots to be less dependent on computer autopilots.

prosefights hacked. Again. :(

6000 lines of code vs 100 60 lines of code missing.

Hacking attempted recovery 4.6.22.



Linus Torvalds reveals the 'true' anniversary of Linux code.

US Navy software FOIA request.

Christopher Julka (703)-697-0031 DONFOIAPublicLiaison@navy.mil.

c/c++ wind turbine software use too?
NTSB 8/20/21 phone message.



No appeal possted yet. "(

Software tehnology? c/c++?
Scary USS Gerald R. Ford - How Powerful is the CVN-78? US Navy's $13 Billion Aircraft Carrier.

Speed display disappear? Software issue?
"(where's) my speed my speed"


Where is air speed?

Rapid Descent and Crash into Water Atlas Air Inc. Flight 3591 Boeing 767-375BCF, N1217A.
NTSB Ms Tamara Crawford phone conversation 4/16.

We are Legion.
We do not forgive.
We do not forget.
Expect us.

4/13/21. 'view' oly appeared starting today?

What computers? How many modules? Lines of code for each module?

Tamara Crawford audio 4/9/21.



Poster attended book signing at Page One i Albuquerque.

Sunday, January 07, 2001 5:52 PM
Dear Friend,

we saw some of these documents http://www.geocities.com/CapitolHill/Congress/8327/buehlerpayne.html
but we would like your commentary about what happened and all circumstances so
we can post it on our website but as well as a report to the mailing lists.

With thanks

On behalf of SMCCDI A. Zoubin ( Information Committee) http://www.iran-daneshjoo.org/

Wednesday, January 17, 2001 7:10 PM

Dear Friend,

A stand for Ahmad but why this question?

Iran Danesjoo Information Committee project reports. [1, 2 , 3].
Swiss Radio International link fixed with irp2014 switch from malwarebytes.

Tape traveled from Zurich to Baltimore Sun and Lassez Faire City Times ... with intermediate stop.
Admiral fornmer Navy Seal.

Another request?

Phone message attachment.



3/22/21 Attachments.






12/22/20. :( !!!


12/22/20. :( !!

12/21/20. :( !

12/17/20. :(

12/16/20. Something wrong?



Tuesday December 8, 2020 14:43


Hello Ms. Bryson,

This is an appeal of FOIA No. FOIA-2020-00406 denial.

Ms. Melba Moye wrote on September 14, 2020

appears inapplicable for denial because FOIA requested DATA
Final 3 minutes of Atlas Air #3591 Boeing 767:
1 Names of all software modules executed.
2 Time of execution. Nanosecond accuracy, if possible.
3 Altitude of #3591 at time software module entered.
NTSB chairman Sumwalt, Friday June 12, 2020 10:32.
Ms. Moye's denial reason is unsupported.

Ms. Moye/Ms. Joy Gordon make legal attempt to deny my FOIA
These legal arguments should be addressed to a judge/jury in event I am unable to receive requested documents by
administrative means?

Since no legitimate reason for denial provided by Ms. Moye and Ms. Gordon exist, I ask that you grant appeal.

And have NTSB deliver requested documents.

william harris payne.




AttN: Ms Sharon Bryson
Manager Director
490 L'Enfant Plaza SW
Washington, D.C. 20594


10/26/20 FAA FOIA lawsuit - District of Columbia..
Boeing 787: A Financial Engineering Nightmare?.


Boeing 737 MAX: Turning A Crisis Into A Win.

Programming languages: Java founder James Gosling reveals more on Java and Android.

Liberal arts 'educated'?


Linux 5 day course in focus because of 737 MAX and Raspberry Pi 4B.10/4/20
Programming languages: Java founder James Gosling reveals more on Java and Android.

Back again after deletion.

"Back in the early 1990s it was well understood that the number one source of security
vulnerabilities was just pointers, was just bugs, like 50% to 60% to 70% were bugs and the
vast majority of them were like buffer overflows.

Liam Tung.

why java michael barr.

At that stage, C an C++"absolutely owned the universe" and everything was being written in those languages.

The statistics in this article have been a part of software engineering for decades.
Back in 1990, they were a major pain point, and a major motivator behind many of the features
of Java.

James Gosling.

Unable to shrink email.

:( ++


ntsb foia status message.
8 rings.

Boeing 747s still get critical updates via floppy disks.

Which OSs support floppies?

This surprise Linux malware warning shows that hackers are changing their targets.

FAA Dave Duff phone message 1 2. 8/01/20.

A declaratory judgment is a binding judgment from a court defining the
legal relationship between parties and their rights in a matter before the court.
Typically, a party will first send a cease and desist letter prior to seeking
declaratory judgment from a court.

Injunctive relief, also known as an injunction, is a remedy which
restrains a party from doing certain acts or requires a party to act in a certain way.
It is generally only available when there is no other remedy at law and
irreparable harm will result if the relief is not granted.

Where is Mark House?

206-231-2046 call audio.

                      UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT

Boeing 737 MAX, Atlas Air #3591 767-375 1992
software certification?

First posted
Thursday April 25, 2019 15:38
Friday May 31, 2019 16:45

New Mexico
Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Department
information request

First posted
Monday June 22, 2020 13:10
Friday October 23, 2020 17:07

Monday September 9,2024 12:17

windscammers20.htm eneded 9/8/24.

Started 9/09/24. http://www.prosefights2.orgF/irp2023/windscammers21.htm.

Below purchzed for Lenovo chromebook. Have ARM and x86 chromebooks. :(--

Below transferred to 5500U by connecting its power supply to type c input seen at far left

Type c cable connected 5500U.

Degrading hub/5500U performance.

9/7/25 5500U would not power up.

Reverse side of above.

100 W PD hub removed.

5500U power supply connected directly to 5500U.

5500U powered up. Windows 10 1909 performance improved. :)

5500U 6+6 cores is popular in China, we read.

Microsoft asks to update 1909. Does not update automatically.

Update pause can be advanced one month. :)++

Bewlow Ugreen appears to be similar to above hub.

Purchased for evaluation and sc card slots.

Type c at far right an input from a 5 V power transformer for a powerd hub?

Apple Looks to AI to End iPhone Slump.

Good news: Samsung One UI 6.1.1 is now rolling out in the US.

Windows 11 KB5041872/KB5038603 downloads get stuck at 8%
with 100% CPU, PC lag, slowdown

Lenovo ryzen 5 550U has type c power connector. :
AMD Expected To Launch At Least Four N
avi 48 & Navi 44 GPU SKUs In RDNA 4 “Radeon RX 8000” Lineup

"The RX 8000 series is expected to be based on the RDNA 4 architecture.
Recent rumors suggest AMD is focusing on power efficiency. The top SKU (Navi 48)
is rumored to have a TBP of around 200W." :(

AMD Ryzen 9 9950X vs. Ryzen 9 7950X/7950X3D For
Workstation Graphics

Typical TDP: 170 W.

A worker won $600,000 after Twitter said his goodbye messages showed
he had resigned. The case holds valuable lessons for staff and employers

The Best Employers for New Graduates in America.

Rising prices for offshore wind warn of the mounting cost of Net Zero.

Try 2.

Sunday September 8,2024 10:56

Why I Don't Invest In Data Center REITs.

Google's second antitrust trial starts Monday. Here's what's at stake.
FBI busts musician’s elaborate AI-powered $10M streaming-royalty heist.<

3412,14 BTU = 1 kWh.
Why Modern Civilisation Critically Depends On Coal, Oil & Gas.

The High Price of “Cheap” Green Energy.

The largest wind turbine in history, switched on for the first time: 500,000 ft² and an unexpected effect. [Invert used?]
Try 2.

Saturday September 7,2024 06:16

Google says replacing C/C++ in firmware with Rust is easy.
CyberCrims Attack Rooftop Solar To Bring Down Entire Grid.
Semiconductor ETFs Take A Beating, Dragged Lower
By Nvidia, AMD, and Broadcom Stocks

Extreme Fear’ And Fed Panic Sparks Sudden
$2 Trillion Crypto Price Crash—Hitting Bitcoin,
Ethereum, BNB, Solana, XRP And Dogecoin

Sub $50K Bitcoin correction remains in play as whales look to sell BTC.

Apple’s new iPhone will use Arm’s next-generation
chip technology for AI

Opinion | Job Growth Slows, Stocks Slump.

Intel Is Probably Getting Kicked Out of the Dow,
but Nvidia May Not Be Its Logical Replacement

Jobs Slowdown Frustrates Investors Who Wanted
Certainty on the Fed
Try 1.

Friday September 6,2024 15:16
Nvidia’s $406 Billion Drop This Week Makes Bitcoin Look Calm.

Ask Hackaday, What’s Next?

Here’s where the jobs are for August 2024 — in one chart.



Battry test.

Innova has green, yellow, red leds as well a number. :)

Battery test.

Cherry weight heavy.

$120 Best Buy N4020 2+0 cores 4/128 GB Windows 11 running Ubuntu. :)

Shares 43 inch Inisgnia monitor/tv with Lenovo Ryzen 5 5500U runnning 10 1909.

Second of above machine running Windows 11. :)

Not N5030. Ubuntu misteak. :(

Runs Internet as fast, if not faster, than Lenovo Ryzen 5 5500U 6+6 cores rummomg Chrome umder 10 1909!!!

Has 1.2 gbs wifi chip. :)++ So does Ryzen. :)

Using cherry keyboard.


Markets Jump the Shark, Pitiful Parents, Death of Desktops.
Intel strikes back against Windows on Arm.

Bill Gates says this is the No. 1 unsolvable proble
m facing today’s young people
. [msm?]

Intel says Lunar Lake laptop graphics
are getting a huge boost from Xe2

High End CPUs - Intel vs AMD.

Intel Core Ultra 7 155H. TDP Down: 20 W :) TDP Up: 115 W :(

Samsung says One UI 6.1.1 is coming to these
Galaxy devices starting next week

OpenAI Considers Higher Priced Subscriptions to its
Chatbot AI; Preview of The Information’s AI Summit

Security boom is over, with over a third of
CISOs reporting flat or falling budgets

"A CISO, or chief information security officer,
is a senior-level executive who oversees
an organization's information, cyber, and technology security."
Wind Turbine Fireballs Keep Setting the World On Fire.

Diesel pushers behind Big Boy?

Try 2.

This copy of .jpg doulble click has resiize as number 3 on list.

Anither instance has resize in low portion of list.-

Thursday September5,2024 10:04

Focus on software used to print digits! printf()?
$11.89 Mastfuyi attached to HF 9V battery with aligator leads. Negative polarity.

Etekcity inexpensive noncoutogranging meter at right.

Why is Innova reading different? 1 Which reading correct? 2 Innova older technology. 3 Innova part aging?

Mastfuyi lolng tips used with aligator clips.

The rise and fall in programming languages' popularity since 2016 - and what it tells us.

Guido Appenzeller.
Nvidia’s stock swoon turns attention to Big Tech’s sway over markets.

Better Artificial Intelligence Stock: Intel vs. AMD.

The AI Frenzy Can’t Live Up to the Market’s Expectations.

Nvidia is suddenly in trouble.

Large language models will upend human rituals.

Pair of US Air Force F-35s make historic landing on highway in Finland.
Hackers inject malicious JS in Cisco store to steal credit cards, credentials.
Huge wind energy projects approved for development in NM. abq j 9/2/24 BUSINESS OUTLOOK PAGE 5
Try 2.

Wednesday September 4,2024 15:31
Nvidia stock extends $280 billion slump after DoJ probe report.

Nvidia Slide Wipes $10 Billion From CEO Jensen Huang’s Fortune
—As Selloff Continues In Pre-Market
The most popular programming languages in 2024.

Nvidia is suddenly in trouble.

Wall Street ends slightly down after weak labor market

data, dovish Fed comments

CLEAN ENERGY SCAMS SURGE. AAEP Bykittin Swotenber 2024.
Conversion from binary to fixed point to decimal is on topic!++.

printf() used?

Harbor Freight 1.5 V AA.

Not autoranging. :(

Autorangiing. :)

3 AAA.

Stock Market Today: Dow, S&P Future Fall; Global Chip Stocks Slide.

US Futures Signal Weaker Open as Nvidia Slips.

Bitcoin price targets include $50K as Nvidia crash shakes Nikkei, gold.

Nvidia vs. AMD: Recent Benchmark Shows a Drastic Gap in AI Performance.

Why Micron, Arm Holdings, and ASML Holdings Crashed Today.

ASUS Adds AMD Ryzen 7 9700X & Ryzen 5 9600X “105W TDP” Mode
To AM5 Motherboards In Latest AGESA BIOS
Hackers Use Fake GlobalProtect VPN Software in New WikiLoader Malware Attack.
Green Hydrogen Meltdown: Carpetbaggers Crabwalk Away
From ‘Clean Fuel’ Projects
Try 1.

Tuesday September 3, 2024 17:56
What will power Arizona’s new data centers?.

Nvidia Stock Is Selling Off: It's Not Because Of Blackwell.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang Surprised by Skeptics.

Floating point in software! :)
HP 38G student graphic calculator, 1995.

Forth technology calculator.

Floating point number entry. :)

Calculator not powered on for ~30 years?
New technology.
Multimeter Digital, Battery Tester, Multi Tester
NCV Non-Contact Voltage Detection, Electrical Tester
Auto-Ranging, True RMS 2000 Counts, AC/DC Voltage,
AC/DC Current, Continuity, Resistance, Diode

Old technology.

Old, but nice, technology.

INNOVA 3320 Auto-Ranging Digital Multimeter, Red & Black.

NVIDIA Blackwell Design Change Might Affect
GeForce RTX 50 Launch, Reports of Higher Power Consumption

No Gaming Improvements Seen With AMD Ryzen 9 9700X &
Ryzen 5 9600X Running On 105W Mode

AMD Ryzen 9 7900X: Typical TDP: 170 W. :(
AMD Ryzen 5 9600X: Typical TDP: 65 W. :(
AMD Ryzen 7 5800HS: Typical TDP: 35 W. :) $450 Best Buy Asus laptop.

Intel's Dow status under threat as struggling chipmaker's shares plunge.

Rise of the Pint-Size Startup Is Reshaping the U.S. Economy,
China’s Double-Headed Wind Turbine Signals Industry’s Last Gasp.

America’s New Climate Delusion.

Union Pacific's Big Boy No. 4014 locomotive arrives in Omaha.

Try 2.

Monday September 2, 2024 17:25
Orange Pi RV is a single-board RISC-V PC with up to 8GB RAM and an M.2 slot.

JH7110 specs.
Intel CEO's cost-cutting pitch to include Altera spin-out
and retreat from German plant, source says

U.S. stock-market rebound faces ‘huge’ jobs reports
after Labor Day weekend

Crucial jobs report kicks off a new month: What to know this week.
HP 48G Graphing Calculator.

HP 48 series.

23AAA batteries replaced. Works! :)

Reverse Polish notation.

Double dabble.

Biggest Wind & Solar State Suffers Astronomical Power Prices.
Try 1.

Sunday September 1, 2024 17:58
Intel’s Troubles Complicate U.S. Chip Independence.

Intel CEO to pitch board on plans to shed assets, cut costs, source says.

Positive and negtive floating point exponents?

1 think framber between 0 and 1.nction in binary with the binary point at far left so as to
scale nu
2 Think exponent in decimal.
Reason s are:
2A + exponet move the binary point to the fight.
2B A - exponent moves the binary point to the left.
2C A 0 exponent is 1 which does not move the binary point.

The Computer We All Wish We’d Had In The 8-Bit Era.

9/3-25 version had many typos. Was it hacked?

AI Hardware, Explained.

Normalized floating point numbers, overflow, underflow mentiond in AI computations.
Why normalized floating point numbers?
                           8/31/24 12:39

An 8 bit floating number can be represented as

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o

Where bit position 7 [far left] is sign of number. 0 = +, 1 = minus.

Bits 6, 5, 4 are the exponent.

Bits 3, 2,1, 0 are the fraction, also called the mantissa.

The exponent is a power of 2 ... in some form.

654 Power of 2
000      1
001      2
010      4
011      8
100      16
101     32
110     64
111     128

The fraction ]mantissa].

0000 0/16
0001 1/16
0010 2/16
0011 3/16
0100 4/16
0101 5/16
0110 6/16
0111 7/16
1000 8/16
1001 9/16
1010 10/16
1011 11/16
1100 12/16
1101 13/16
1110 14/16
1111 15/16

The largest number is .111111111..... .s all binary 1s./

Multiply by binary 10 gives 1.111111.

Subract the subtrahend from the minuend yields 1.

So all numbers are scaled between 0 and 1.

A floating point is number is the product of the fraction [mantissa] times
2 exponent value*   * fraction.

Maximum value in the 8 bit floating point example is

2128 *   15/16 = 2128 * 24  * 15 = 2132 * 15

Smallest number is

21 * 1/16 = 21 * 24 = 25.

Idea behind normalized floating point numbers is to multiply the fraction by some

power of 2 so as to position the leading 1 at the far left of the fraction thus eliminating
leading 0s. T

ne decreasing the exponent to the exponent, a divide by 2, to compensate for the multiply.

This leaves an implied 1 at the start of a normalized floating point number.

In the example 8/16 through 15/16 is multiplied by 2 - a left shift, the the exponent
is decreased by 1.

4/16 through 7/16 must be shifted left one to remove the 0, the shifted another 1 left.

2/16 and 3/16 require 2 left shifts to remove the 0s, then one left shift to move the leading 1
into the implied 1 normalized position.

Finally, 1/16 requires left shift of 3, a multiply of 8, to move the 1 into the bit 3 position, then
the final left shft of the 1 into the implied 1 position.

For the 8/16 through 15/16 cases the exponent must be one of greater, otherwise a floating
point underflow

For the 4/16 through 7/16 cases the exponent my be at least 2 or greater to prevent a
floating point underflow.

And in the 1/16 through 3/16 cases the exponent must be 3 or greater to prevent floating point

0/16 special case cannot be normalized.

Multiply by 2, left shift by one, cause a 0 to be moved into the far right bit position.

Normalized floating point gives opportunity for the fraction length to be increase by at least 1.

In the above example 4 additional bits may be required to replace the all zero positions.

4 bits in the 1/16 case!

The Fraction must be in double precision to use maximum benefit of Normalized floating point

So we add a new register/memory locations -1 = 1/32. -2 = 1/64 , -3 = 1/128, -4 = 1/256
to the eight bit floatin point number.
- - - -
0000 0/16
0001 1/256
0010 2/256
0011 3/256
0100 4/256
0101 5/256
0110 6/256
0111 7/256
1000 8/256
1001 9/256
1010 10/256
1011 11/256
1100 12/256
1101 13/256
1110 14/256
1111 15/256

The maximum 8 bit fraction is 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32+1/64+1/128+256 = (128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1)256
= 255/256.

Normalized floating point numbers give much improved precision to small numbers.

IBM 360 used normalized floating point number.

Reference: Machine Assembly and System Programming on the I. B. M. 360 W H Payne April 1, 1969.

A standards committee mollified the exponents to allow for positive and negative exponents
along with + and minus infinity and Not Number.

Normalized floating point numbers additiom, subtraction, multiplication and division in a computer requires the hardware or
software implementer to denormalize the number into a fixed point binary number and make adjustments to the esponent.
Amazon Sent a Big Warning to Nvidia Shareholders.
Is the AI Stock in Trouble?
Wind & Solar Transition Claims Beyond Comprehension.
Try 3.

Saturday August 31 2024 18:30
The Computer We All Wish We’d Had In The 8-Bit Era.
The Threat to OpenAI Is Growing.

Puget says its Intel CPU failure rate is lower than AMD Ryzen failures —
system builder releases failure rate data, cites conservative power settings
AnandTech, mainstay of computer hardware reviews,
closes after 27 years

Veteran fund manager unveils startling Nvidia stock forecast.

Nvidia’s Future Relies on Chips That Push Technology’s Limits.

Nvidia will grow to a $10 trillion company and the
Blackwell chip will be like 'fireworks' for the stock, analyst says

Here's A Reality Check On AMD Vs. Nvidia That May Surprise You (AMD Upgrade).

"he 75% increase in GPU power consumption happened rapidly, within two brief years, across one generation of GPUs. When we look at other GPUs on the market today, AMD's MI250 accelerators draw 500W of power, up to 560W at peak, while the MI300x consumes 750W at peak, up to a 50% increase."

AMD admits its Instinct MI300X AI accelerator still can't quite beat Nvidia's H100 Hopper.

Amazon's Alexa's new version to be powered by Anthropic's
AI model Claude - report

Meta data center electricity consumption hits 14,975GWh,
leased data center use nearly doubles
Green Berets storm building after hacking its Wi-Fi.
AI Hardware, Explained.

Normalized floating point numbers, overflow, underflow mentiond in AI computations.
Why normalized floating point numbers?
                           8/31/24 12:39

An 8 bit floating number can be represented as

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o

Where bit position 7 [far left] is sign of number. 0 = +, 1 = minus.

Bits 6, 5, 4 are the exponent.

Bits 3, 2,1, 0 are the fraction, also called the mantissa.

The exponent is a power of 2 ... in some form.

654 Power of 2
000      1
001      2
010      4
011      8
100      16
101     32
110     64
111     128

The fraction ]mantissa].

0000 0/16
0001 1/16
0010 2/16
0011 3/16
0100 4/16
0101 5/16
0110 6/16
0111 7/16
1000 8/16
1001 9/16
1010 10/16
1011 11/16
1100 12/16
1101 13/16
1110 14/16
1111 15/16

The largest number is .111111111..... .s all binary 1s./

Multiply by binary 10 gives 1.111111.

Subract the subtrahend from the minuend yields 1.

So all numbers are scaled between 0 and 1.

A floating point is number is the product of the fraction [mantissa] times
2 exponent value*   * fraction.

Maximum value in the 8 bit floating point example is

2128 *   15/16 = 2128 * 24  * 15 = 2132 * 15

Smallest number is

21 * 1/16 = 21 * 24 = 25.

Idea behind normalized floating point numbers is to multiply the fraction by some

power of 2 so as to position the leading 1 at the far left of the fraction thus eliminating
leading 0s. T

ne decreasing the exponent to the exponent, a divide by 2, to compensate for the multiply.

This leaves an implied 1 at the start of a normalized floating point number.

In the example 8/16 through 15/16 is multiplied by 2 - a left shift, the the exponent
is decreased by 1.

4/16 through 7/16 must be shifted left one to remove the 0, the shifted another 1 left.

2/16 and 3/16 require 2 left shifts to remove the 0s, then one left shift to move the leading 1
into the implied 1 normalized position.

Finally, 1/16 requires left shift of 3, a multiply of 8, to move the 1 into the bit 3 position, then
the final left shft of the 1 into the implied 1 position.

For the 8/16 through 15/16 cases the exponent must be one of greater, otherwise a floating
point underflow

For the 4/16 through 7/16 cases the exponent my be at least 2 or greater to prevent a
floating point underflow.

And in the 1/16 through 3/16 cases the exponent must be 3 or greater to prevent floating point

0/16 special case cannot be normalized.

Multiply by 2, left shift by one, cause a 0 to be moved into the far right bit position.

Normalized floating point gives opportunity for the fraction length to be increase by at least 1.

In the above example 4 additional bits may be required to replace the all zero positions.

4 bits in the 1/16 case!

The Fraction must be in double precision to use maximum benefit of Normalized floating point

So we add a new register/memory locations -1 = 1/32. -2 = 1/64 , -3 = 1/128, -4 = 1/256
to the eight bit floatin point number.
- - - -
0000 0/16
0001 1/256
0010 2/256
0011 3/256
0100 4/256
0101 5/256
0110 6/256
0111 7/256
1000 8/256
1001 9/256
1010 10/256
1011 11/256
1100 12/256
1101 13/256
1110 14/256
1111 15/256

The maximum 8 bit fraction is 1/2+1/4+1/8+1/16+1/32+1/64+1/128+256 = (128+64+32+16+8+4+2+1)256
= 255/256.

Normalized floating point numbers give much improved precision to small numbers.

IBM 360 used normalized floating point number.

Reference: Machine Assembly and System Programming on the I. B. M. 360 W H Payne April 1, 1969.

A standards committee mollified the exponents to allow for positive and negative exponents
along with + and minus infinity and Not Number.

Normalized floating point numbers additiom, subtraction, multiplication and division in a computer requires the hardware or
software implementer to denormalize the number into a fixed point binary number and make adjustments to the esponent.

Wind Industry Burns Diesel to Prevent Turbines From Freezing.

Huge wind energy projects approved for development in NM.

Long-Awaited SunZia to Transmit Wind Power.
Try 1.

Friday August 30, 2024 20:05
Goldman Sachs to Lay Off Over 1,300 Workers.

Nvidia Keeps Breaking Sales Records While Waiting For Blackwell.

Did Big Tech bite off more than it can chew with AI?.

The thrill of AI is fading — and Wall Street is getting a little more clear-eyed about its actual value,

Navajo Nation adopts changes to tribal law regulating the transportation of uranium across its land.

NSA to debut podcast to boost public awareness of classified missions.
Major analyst delivers crushing blow after S
uper Micro stock price crashes

The dumb money poured into Nvidia ahead of its
results. It could’ve been worse

Nvidia stock is sinking. Wall Street analysts say it’s still a buy.

Nvidia Pays Price of Lofty Expectations as AI Trade Shaken.

What Nvidia's sell-off is saying about the broader market.

AI Hardware, Explained shows 32 bit floating point format diagram.

Data Centers Face Seven-Year Wait for Power Hookups in Virginia.

Normalized numbers, overflow, underflow mentiond in AI computation.
Why normalized floating point numbers?
                           8/30/24 13:33

An 8 bit floating number can be represented as

7 6 5 4 3 2 1 o

Where bit position 7 [far left] is sign of number. 0 = +, 1 = minus.

Bits 6, 5, 4 are the exponent.

Bits 3, 2,1, 0 are the fraction, also called the matissa.

The expoint is a power of 2 ... in some form.

654 Powe ofd 2
000      1
001      2
010      4
011      8
100      16
101     32
110     64
111     128

The fraction ]mantissa].

0000 0/16
0001 1/16
0010 2/16
0011 3/16
0100 4/16
0101 5/16
0110 6/16
0111 7/16
1000 8/16
1001 9/16
1010 10/16
1011 11/16
1100 12/16
1101 13/16
1110 14/16
1111 15/16

TThe largest number is .111111111..... .s all binary 1s./

Nultiply by binary 10 gives 1.111111.

Subract the ubtrahend fom the minuend yields 1.

So all numbers are scaled between 0 and 1.

A floating point is number is the prouuct of the fractiion [mantssa] times
2 expoient value*   * fraction.

Maximum value in the 8 bit floating point example is

2128 *   15/16 = 2128 * 24  * 15 = 2132 * 15

Smallest number is

21 * 1/16 = 21 * 24 = 25.

Idea behind normalized floating point numbers is to multiply the fraction by some
power of 2 so as to position the leading 1 at the far left of the fraction thus el.iminating
leading 0s. T

ne decreasing the exponent to the exponent, a divide by 2, to compensate for the multiply.

This leaves an implied 1 at the start of a normalized floating point number.

In the exmaple 8/16 through 15/16 is mulltiplied by 2 - a left shift, the the exponent is decreased
by 1.

4/16 through 7/16 must be shifted left one to remove the 0, the shifted another 1 left.

2/16 and 3/16 require 2 left shifts to remove the 0s, then one left shift to move the leading 1
into the implied 1 normalized position.

Finally, 1/16 reguires left shift of 3, a multiply of 8, to move the 1 into the bit 3 position, then
the final left shft of the 1 into the implied 1 position.

For the 8/16 through 15/16 cases the expontent must be one of greater, othwise a floating
point underflow

For the 4/16 through 7/16 cases the exponent my be at least 2 or greater to prevent a
flowating point underflow.

And in the 1/16 through 3/16 cases the exponent must be 3 or greater to prevent floating point

0/16 special case cannot be normalized.

Multiply by 2, left shift by one, cause a 0 to be moved into the far right bit positon.

Normalized floating pont gives opportunity for the fraction length to be increae by at least 1.

In the abve example 4 addtional bits may be required to replace the all zero postions.

4 bits in the 1/16 case!

The Fraction must be in double precision to use maximum benefit of Normalized floating point

IBM 360 used normalized floating point numbber.

Reference: Machine Assembly and System Programming on the I. B. M. 360 W H Payne April 1, 1969.

A standards committee mofied the expoents to allow for positive and nergative exponwents
along wih + and minus infinit and Not Number.

Normalized floating point numbers addeiond, subrtactration, multiplication and diviision in a computer requires the hardware or
software implementer to denormalize the number into a fixed point binary number and make adjustments to the esponent.

California’s Subsidised Solar Scam Implodes.
Try 1.

Thursday August 29, 2024 19:43
Analysts overhaul Nvidia stock price targets after Q2 earnings.

Opinion: Nvidia missing earnings is the AI bears’ dream — but they’ll be disappointed.

Nvidia’s business is growing faster than expected. Investors were still disappointed.

Nvidia Can’t Escape Shadow of AI Spending Fears.

One Of The Rust Linux Kernel Maintainers Steps Down -
Cites "Nontechnical Nonsense"

S&P 500 Gains and Losses Today: Supermicro Stock
Plunges on Annual Report Delay

Nvidia Q2: Stunning Networking Growth
Driven By InfiniBand And Ethernet

Opinion: Nvidia CEO’s swagger isn’t enough to
support the stock, as tiny cracks emerge

Verificatiion improperly alingned fixed.

Analysts overhaul Nvidia stock price targets after Q2 earnings.

Stocks Rebound on Nvidia’s ‘Pretty Good’ Results: Markets Wrap.

Nvidia shares dip in premarket trade despite earnings beating estimates.

Why Is Nvidia Stock Down After Reporting Parabolic Growth?.

AI Chip Stocks Rally Faces New Headwinds - Why Are Nvidia,
Taiwan Semiconductor, Broadcom And Marvell Tech Stocks Sliding?

Nvidia CEO’s swagger isn’t enough to support the stock, as tiny cracks emerge.

Nvidia Q2 FY2025 Review: Huang Fumbles, Stock Tumbles.

Stocks Retreat as Nvidia Outlook Saps AI Trade.

AI Hardware, Explained.

NVIDIA’s Record-Breaking Growth Has Peaked, As Per Some Critical Metrics.

Why Intel Stock Is Sinking Today.

What Google’s Antitrust Defeat Means for AI.
US senator presses Intel CEO on chips award after job cut plan.

Klarna: AI lets us cut thousands of jobs - but pay more.
CrowdStrike CEO celebrates ‘resilient’ earnings after causing a global outage that some feared would kill his business.

CrowdStrike customers delay, scrutinize deals after global IT outage.
100% Renewables” Claims = 100% Pure & Unadulterated Bunkum.

Solar cell manufacturer halts $400M Colorado plant.
Try 1.

Wednesday August 28, 2024 19:09
AI's race for US energy butts up against bitcoin mining.

NVIDIA Corporation (NVDA).

bitcoin price.

Tech OpenAI in talks to raise funding that would value it at more than $100 billion.

Intel faces near-death, as analysts ponder early AI miss and fab’s future.

Business leaders are losing faith in IT, according to this IBM study. Here's why.

Chasing the AI dragon? Your IT might be circling the drain, IBM warns.

AI Doomers Had Their Big Moment.
Apple lays off 100 workers from its Apple News and Apple Books apps.
New 0-Day Attacks Linked to China’s ‘Volt Typhoon’.

BlackByte Ransomware Exploits VMware ESXi Flaw in Latest Attack Wave.

Iran-based Cyber Actors Enabling Ransomware Attacks on US Organizations.
GE's Haliade-X blade failures highlight new giant offshore wind turbine challenges: analysts.

More Than 40% of World’s Electricity Came From Zero-Carbon Sources in 2023.

Solar, wind make up 91% of new power capacity in 2023.
Try 1.

Motog photo. Sinpping tool failed. Restart required.

Tuesday August 27, 2024 18:49


Mark Zuckerberg's AI Obsession: Is $8 Billion Too Much For Meta To Handle?.

OpenAI works to release next-level AI product this fall: report.

big tech control of stock market money.

NVIDIA to Present Innovations at Hot Chips That
Boost Data Center Performance and Energy Efficiency

Novva Data Centers will build $3 billion campus in Mesa.

New Password Hacking Warning For Gmail, Facebook And Amazon Users.

Welcome to the AI-bloatware era, courtesy of the Google Pixel 9.
$130 Waknart Lenovo N5030 no wifi solution?

The Cudys work!

AI future? High Tech future?

Intel will be forced to find a plan B.

Nvidia: You Have Been Pumped
And Warned By The Cloud Hyperscaler Honchos

If you don't own Nvidia stock you are missing a
revolution, says tech investor

Tech Nvidia has become world’s ‘most important stock,’
adding pressure to upcoming earnings report

Nvidia’s earnings may swing the stock market this week.
Here’s how to hedge it, BofA Global says

Sum{a[i]*b[i]} haradware instructions DSP[Digital Signal Processing]
which has been in existence for decases.

The 'why' is now clear!!!

Matrix multipolication using floating point numbers!!!

Power consumption an issue.

Nvidia products high power consumers requring much cooling?!!!

Nvidia partner says it can cut data center energy
use by 50% as AI boom strains power grid

AMD: Positioned As The One-Stop-Shop For AI Data Centers.

Calif. tech companies see laid-off workers as 'table scraps,' recruiters say.
Government Disconnects Huge Grid-Wrecking Solar Power Plant.

Renewables Accounted for 14.6% of Global Energy Consumption in 2023.
Try 2.

Monday August 26, 2024 15:45
New waves of Cisco layoffs surface as tech job cuts worsen in Bay Area
Tech layoffs, 2-plus years: 46,000 jobs cut

China’s AI Engineers Are Secretly Accessing Banned Nvidia Chips.
[floating point arithmetic, we recently learned. :)]

" multiply-accumulate (MAC) operation executes the mathematical formulas at
the core of AI workloads. A matrix multiply consists of a series of two fundamental operations:
multiplication and addition to an accumulator.Apr 24, 2024"

AI uses a lot of energy. How Big Tech is trying to fix it.

What is 'model collapse'? An expert explains the rumours about an impending AI doom.

Here’s why you must keep the faith in Nvidia even if this week’s earnings fail to wow.

3 Mind-Blowing Stats That Could Send NVIDIA Shares to All-Time Highs.

China's Unisoc launches 'world's first' open architecture RISC-V security chip.
Mac users warned over malware ‘Cthulhu’ that steals crypto wallets.
Biden-Subsidized Offshore Wind Developer Reports
Massive Losses In Latest Blow To Industry

Billions Pouring into U.S. Offshore Wind Despite Setbacks.
Try 4.

Sunday August 25, 2024 19:50

Floating poing point matrix multiples. :)
Deep-dive into the AI Hardware of ChatGPT.

Functions and Inference The Coming AI Chip Boom.

Senior Intel CPU architects splinter to develop RISC-V processors —
veterans establish AheadComputing

x86 64 bit compolexity.

x86 Instruction Encoding. Borislav Petkov.
Microsoft did long restart update on #130 Walmart laptop with no wifi.

Sill no wifi.

Lenovo Vantage reports warranty info unavaible.

One year warranty in writing with machine specs.

AI Hardware, Explained. [floating point computer arithmetic empases. :)]

4 AI terms Nvidia investors should know.

These New AI Bots Will Do Just About Anything for You. [power consumption?]

Nvidia gets ready to take over the stock market (again).

Nvidia May Fail To Live Up To Its Pre-Earnings Hype.

Facebook and Twitter boxes disabled.

Sales Set to Double for Chip Giant Nvidia as AI Frenzy Persists.

What You Need To Know Ahead of Nvidia's Earnings Report.

Is the GenAI Bubble Finally Popping?.

Edged Data Centers Celebrates Grand Opening of
New Ultra-Efficient, Sustainable Data Center in Atlanta

Linux 6.11-rc5 Released With Slimmed Down Set Of Bcachefs Fixes. [updates?]

what is Bcachefs.
CISA Urges Federal Agencies to Patch Versa Director Vulnerability by September.
VIDEO: Smokestacks demolished at northwest New Mexico power plant.

Thundering demolition of coal plant in New Mexico highlights energy transition.
Try 2.

Saturday August 24, 2024 16:02
I asked ChatGPT to explain VPN terms like I'm five – now I'm worried for my job.

Alphabet and Meta Platforms Just Sent a
Major Warning to Nvidia Shareholders

AI Hardware, Explained.

"Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin,
draws up to 2,600 megawatts from the regional power grid—
about the same as the city of Austin."

Prediction: On Aug. 28, This Figure From Nvidia Will Confirm
an Artificial Intelligence (AI) Bubble That's in the Early Stages of Bursting

Where do journalists come from? They are manufactured in America's universities in a liberal arts curriculum.
Mark Mathis.

US crackdown on advanced chips gives China an opening on old technology.

$130 Walmart Lenovo N5939 4+0 laptop ran wifi at 1.2 gps ... then quit. :(

>10 inexpensive Windows 10/11 laptops here. Some running Ubuntu.

All work differently ... in suble ways.

Pity the Microoft programmers who must try to maintain them with endless
sereies of costly unpdates?

"caused by the suffering and misfortunes of others." 10X/superstar hperactive
obfuscating c/c++ mess-making computer pogrammers
masquerading as 'software engineers'?

Big tech investors to eleminate them using Big Tech bankruptcies?.
Iranian hackers targeted Biden, Trump staffers with WhatsApp accounts.

Climate Cult Determined To Destroy Civilisation From Within.

Navajo, Arizona attorney general question safety of newly reopened uranium mine.
Try 3.

The Pilots Who Failed to Protect Admiral Yamamoto. The last zero pilot.

Friday August 23, 2024 20:53
Halliburton shuts down systems after cyberattack.

Arduino Core for ESP32 gets a Zigbee wrapper library.

Linus Torvalds talks AI, Rust adoption, and why the
Linux kernel is 'the only thing that matters'

Ethernet History: Why Do We Have Different Frame Types?.
Meta and Alphabet Have Quietly Warned Investors About a Potentially Big Risk.

Alphabet and Meta Platforms Just Sent a Major Warning to Nvidia Shareholders.

Washingon State University Psychology Department colleague.
Hypnosis: fact and Fiction Paperback – January 1, 1961 by
F. L. Marcuse (Author)

Marcuse advised this autor that book compnies will sign publishing
conracts never intending to publish to avoid compietng books.

'Super Bowl' Nvidia earnings stand to test searing AI trade.

AI Cloud Spending Is Surging. What Stocks Are the Winners.

Is Nvidia’s earnings report really make or break? Here’s why we don’t think so.

High-tech industry legend leaves Intel board — Intel's stock dropped 6% since the announcement.
What’s inside the Raspberry Pi Pico 2’s RP2350?.

Nvidia and Mistral AI's super-accurate small language model works on laptops and PCs
Data-Center Owners Get an Edge Over Big Tech Tenants, Finally.
Updates/upgrades, -$s.
AMD explains, promises partial fixes for Ryzen 9000 performance problems.

Mac users beware: AMOS malware clones wallet apps and comes for your crypto.
Bay Area tech layoffs: Cloud computing company to slash 7% of workforce.

Was the Real Jobs Revision Negative 818,000 or Negative 915,000?.
Lenovo vantage successfully installed on N5030 from Lenovo.

Previous attempt to install from Windows store failed.

No issues found but still no wiffi.
Coming Clean on Clean Energy: It’s a Dirty Business.

State achieves remarkable milestone with 100 days of 100% of electricity
demands met by clean energy: 'This was declared impossible
Try 1.

Thursday August 22, 2024 16:26
A Cheap DIY PLC Based On The Atmega328P.

NSA Joins Allies in Releasing Best Practices for Event Logging.

NSA Issues Tips for Better Logging, Threat Detection in LotL Incidents.

US, Australian authorities lead international push to adopt event logging.

Global Cyber Agencies Unveil New Logging Standards.

Running Stock MS-DOS On A Modern ThinkPad.

Malware exploits weak passwords in PostgreSQL for cryptojacking.

CISA Adds Four Known Exploited Vulnerabilities to Catalog.
How to prepare for a layoff after US jobs are revised lower.
Solar Rush Destroys Germany’s Power Grid.

The photovoltaic desert that turned out to be a historic failure: I
t broke down before it was even switched on
Try 1.

Wednesday August 21, 2024 16:28
Nvidia Eyes Return to Record as AI Spending Bonanza Continues.

Morgan Stanley says these crypto miners could benefit by
turning their sights to data centers

Amazon’s cloud unit may need to pass the profit growth baton to e-commerce.

It's time for a cybersecurity platform, says Palo Alto Networks' CEO.

China's chip tech still lags the West – by up to five generations.

Bitcoin, Ethereum Up Slightly as Fed Looks to ‘Ease Policy’ in September.

Maker Brings Wi-Fi to the Raspberry Pi Pico 2W via custom dev board and ESP32.

gcc c x86 keywords.
$130 Walmart Lenovo N5030 4+0 cores 4/128 number 1 appears to have hardware issues. :(
Ubuntu install attempt failed.

11 21H2 installed. ... with Cortana's help. :)

No wifi. :(
Microsoft’s latest security update has
ruined dual-boot Windows and Linux PCs

Analysts reset AMD stock outlooks after AI acquisition.

Why Texas's Own Power Grid Keeps Failing.

"Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin, draws up to 2,600 megawatts from the regional power grid—
about the same as the city of Austin."

Thanks to the Pentagon, the Lords of Silicon Valley Are Having a Moment.

BofA’s 15 Stocks for the End of the AI Trade.

An AWS Configuration Issue Could Expose Thousands of Web Apps.

"Microsoft has a knack for overcomplicating tech into a convoluted mess".
Is tech in trouble? Checking in on the industry as more layoffs are announced.

Ranked: The Biggest Layoffs in Tech So Far in 2024.
Multiple F5 Flaws Let Attackers Login With User Session & Cause DoS Attack.
EVs, wind, and solar are neither reliable nor environmentally friendly: here’s why.

Does Solar Energy Make Us Vulnerable?.

Mapped: Electric Vehicle Adoption by State.

Check out the ‘world’s first’ DC-to-DC solar-powered EV charger.
Try 2.

Tuesday August 20, 2024 19:02
Generative AI chips How Chips That Power AI Work.

How the Chips That Power AI Work.

Using Large Chips for AI Work.

Google TPU & other in-house AI Chips.
Why Texas's Own Power Grid Keeps Failing.

How a Law That Shields Big Tech Is Now Being Used Against It.

4 Hidden Stocks to Play the AI Data-Center Megatrend.
Flash memory controller.

Flash Controller Basics.
Artificial intelligence is losing hype.

Developer’s first Georgia data center
will be as big as a mall. More are coming

Virginia's datacenters guzzle water like
there's no tomorrow, says FOI-based report

AWS to cause Amazon filure?

"Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin, draws up to 2,600 megawatts from the regional power grid—
about the same as the city of Austin."

North America sees 70% jump in data center supply in construction, CBRE report says.

More than a trillion reasons for
concern about the expected AI boom

Solana Sees Biggest Institutional Outflows on Record Amid
Slowdown in Memecoin Volume: CoinShares

Data leak affecting everyone in the US, UK, and Canada
was even worse than we thought

AWS environments compromised through exposed .env files.
Coal-Fired Power Plants Only Thing Keeping the Lights On.

America’s biggest failure in history, exposed:
The energy that every country but us can develop
ry 1.

What went wrong?

Monday August 19, 2024 19:15
Jeff Bezos Said 'I Predict One Day Amazon Will Fail'
And Claims Large Companies Only Last '30-Plus Years' –
Guess How Old Amazon Is?

AWS to cause Amazon filure?

"Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin, draws up to 2,600 megawatts from the regional
power grid—about the same as the city of Austin."

Why AI Models Are Collapsing And What It Means For The Future Of Technology.

which registers must be preserved in 64 bit ubuntu?.
What registers are preserved through a linux x86-64 ...
"Yes" in the r12 , r13 , r14 , r15 , rbx , rsp , rbp are the callee-saved
registers - they have a "Yes" in the "Preserved across function calls" column.

Figure 3.4 Register Usage.

C always passes arguments by value.

Freenove ESP32-WROOM Board (2 Pack) (Compatible with Arduino IDE),
Onboard Wireless, Python C Code, Detailed Tutorial, Example Projects

Two power cables important?

for( ){}; not used in 9/18/24 untested [unsigned char machinecode;?]example because only use of the
gcc c compiler required to generate machine code. :)

64 bit fixed and floating point arithmetic possible using short machine code
software modules contained incharacter arrays Using the gcc c compiler
with high-level transparent portable c used as much as possible, of course?
3 reasons that SSD speeds don't matter anymore.
Tech Layoffs Reach 132,000 8 Months Into 2024.

The Great Tech Reset: Unpacking The Layoff Surge Of 2024.

GM lays off more than 1,000 salaried software and services employees.

Microsoft Patches Zero-Day Flaw
Exploited by North Korea's Lazarus Group

CISA warns of Jenkins RCE bug exploited in ransomware attacks.
Cheap ‘Renewables’ Claim Smashed by Crushing Power Bills.
Try 2.

Sunday August 18, 2024 18:52

Hgh-level gcc c can generate machine code. Assembler has been obsolete since ~1980?

char machinecode[256] ;
machinecode[16*0+0] = hex[00] ; machinecode[16*0+1] = hex[01] ;
machinecode[16*0+2] = hex[02] ; machinecode[16*0+3] = hex[03] ;
machinecode[16*0+4] = hex[04] ; machinecode[16*0+5] = hex[05] ;
machinecode[16*0+6] = hex[06] ; machinecode[16*0+7] = hex[07] ;
machinecode[16*0+8] = hex[08] ; machinecode[16*0+9] = hex[01] ;
machinecode[16*0+10] = hex[0a] ; machinecode[16*0+11] = hex[0b] ;
machinecode[16*0+12] = hex[0c] ; machinecode[16*0+13] = hex[0d] ;
machinecode[16*0+14] = hex[0e] ; machinecode[16*0+15] = hex[0f] ;

machinecode[16*1+0] = hex[10] ; machinecode[16*1+1] = hex[11] ;
machinecode[16*1+2] = hex[12] ; machinecode[16*1+3] = hex[13] ;
machinecode[16*1+4] = hex[14] ; machinecode[16*1+5] = hex[15] ;
machinecode[16*1+6] = hex[16] ; machinecode[16*1+7] = hex[17] ;
machinecode[16*1+8] = hex[18] ; machinecode[16*1+9] = hex[11] ;
machinecode[16*1+10] = hex[1a] ; machinecode[16*1+11] = hex[1b] ;
machinecode[16*1+12] = hex[1c] ; machinecode[16*1+13] = hex[1d] ;
machinecode[16*1+14] = hex[1e] ; machinecode[16*1+15] = hex[1f] ;
machinecode[16*15+14] = hex[fe] ; machinecode[16*15+15] = hex[ff] ;

fig Forth 8080 programmers showed to to write an assembler in high-level Forth.

IBM 360 FORTRAN compiler writters in ~1975showed how to go drirectly compiler
intermediate code into machine code.
Tech layoffs surge, led by mass purges at Intel, Cisco.
The Slow-Burn Nightmare of the National Public Data Breach.

Attackers Exploit Public .env Files to Breach Cloud Accounts in Extortion Campaign.

Large-scale extortion campaign targets publicly accessible environment variable files (.env).

Crypto-clipping malware ‘Styx Stealer’ targets Windows computers.
34112 BTU = 1 Kh.
Clean Fuel Startups Were Supposed to Be the Next Big Thing.
Now They Are Collapsing

Ørsted scraps flagship European green fuels project.

The ‘next big hailstorm’ will destroy solar panels
and the ‘lights will go out’

Giant locomotive, Big Boy, to stop in De Soto on Sept. 12.

Tech Companies Are Racing to Harness Nuclear Power.

Amazon Vies for Nuclear-Powered Data Center The deal has become
a flash point over energy fairness

US tech groups’ water consumption soars in ‘data centre alley.

Tech Companies Are Racing to Harness Nuclear Power.

Amazon Vies for Nuclear-Powered Data Center.
Try 2.

Sarurday August 17, 2024 15:54
How big tech is addressing the rising energy demands of its data centers.

AI Datacenter And PC Demand Make AMD A Bargain.

Prediction: Nvidia Is Going to Be Crushed by Competition Over the Next 2 Years --
but Not for the Reason You Might Think

Yes, AI burnout is already happening at work. Here’s how to prevent it.

Businesses set to 'abandon' AI.

What comes after the AI crash?.

Is the gen AI bubble due to burst? CIOs face rethink ahead.

Welcome to the AI revolution: From horsepower to manpower to machine-power.

Microsoft begins cracking down on people dodging Windows 11's system requirements.

Why you should be worried about massive National Public Data breach and what to do.

AI image generation just took a huge step forward.

AI Hardware, Explained.


Wind turbine fire in Mechanicsville could cost farmer millions.

Try 3.

Friday August 16, 2024 15:44
How the CrowdStrike Tech Outage Reignited a Battle Over the Heart of Microsoft Systems.

Another blow to the US’s offshore wind ambitions.
A closer look at Raspberry Pi RP2350’s HSTX
high-speed serial transmit interface

Microsoft is finally removing the FAT32 partition size limit in Windows 11.
AI Searches Won’t Replace Traditional
Google Searches for a While

How One Tech Monopoly Paved the Way for Another.

Supermicro leases 21MW at Prime Data Centers facility,
sublets to Lambda Cloud in $600m dea
2.9 billion records, including Social Security numbers,
stolen in data hack: What to know

Billions of personal records stolen in Florida
data breach. Were you a victim?
The Winners and Losers of the AI Power Boom.

Union Pacific's 'Big Boy' locomotive to make stop in Omaha.

Sun Sets On Great Subsidised Solar Panel Scam.

How Booming Electricity Demand Is Stalling Efforts to
Retire Coal and Gas, in Charts

Oklo’s microreactor project pipeline jumps 93% ahead of
2027 planned deployment

Visual Capitalist Visualizing How the G20 Generates Electricity.
Try 4.

Thursday August 15 2024 08:11

Fast 64/256 bit integer arithmetic possible on these nanocomputers?

Floating point in software too, of course.

Nvidia Stock Falls. Rivals Falter in Bid to Challenge AI Chip Dominance.

AI Hardware, Explained.

Tutorial: Time-to-Market With Zephyr and Pigweed - Yuval Peress, Google.
Zero-click Windows TCP/IP RCE impacts all
systems with IPv6 enabled, patch now
Cisco Systems to Cut About 7% of Staff in Second Round of Layoffs. 6,000 jobs?
New Tech is Fueling Another U.S. Shale Boom.

World’s Mineral Supply Can’t Match Wind & Solar
‘Transition’ Demands
Try 4.

Wednesday August 14, 2024 17:35
'Path to justice': Durbin urges Austin to rethink revoking 9/11 masterminds' plea deals.

Raspberry Pi partnered with many companies on the RP2350 launch.
How Chips That Power AI Work | WSJ Tech Behind.

SiFive offers potential Neoverse N2 rival – the P870-D RISC-V core for datacenters.

AI Hardware, Explained.

An overview of the media on the Raspberry Pi RP2350 and Pico 2 launch last Thursday.
Is Lenovo a blind spot in US anti-China security measures?.

Six 0-Days Lead Microsoft’s August 2024 Patch Push.

Delta Air Lines CrowdStrike Meltdown:
Attorneys Launch Investigation On Breach Of Fiduciary Duties

New Windows Cyber Attacks Confirmed—CISA Says Update By September 3.
AI will likely boost data center power demand over 150% by 2030.
Ranked: Nuclear Power Capacity by Country.

Public Perception of Offshore Wind Industry Turns Totally Toxic.

Rooftop solar has a fraud problem. The industry is working to build back trust.

Try 3.

Tuesday August 13, 2024 19:39
9/11 conspirators' future plea deals in jeopardy as NY House Republicans move to block them.

Austin's Revocation of 9/11 Plea Deal Faces New Legal Blowback.

Pentagon says an attack by Iran on Israel is 'certainly possible' this week: ‘
We need to take it seriously

Pi Pico SDR On A Breadboard.

Amazon Vies for Nuclear-Powered Data Center The deal has become a f
lash point over energy fairness
Massive data leak may include the personal data of every person in the US, UK, and Canada.

Why the Internet Is Running Out of Electricity.
Current data center hardware/software obsolete?
SparkFun Pro Micro – RP2350 development board comes with 16MB flash, 8MB PSRAM.

Challenger+ RP2350 WiFi6/BLE5 board combines Raspberry Pi RP2350 MCU with
ESP32-C6 WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5.4 LE module

Google Launches Pigweed SDK with Raspberry Pi Pico 2, RP2350 Support

Has wifi. :)

x86 chipsets no wifi. :(

Altman-Backed Nuclear Company to Use Siemens Energy Systems.

Tech giants losing momentum as AI progress disappoints investors.

Talen focused on data center demand as it considers axing crypto business.

NVIDIA Grace CPU Superchip Architecture In Depth.

Charted: Big Tech Uses More Electricity Than Entire Countries.

Small datacenters face the axe under China's new energy policy,

Supermicro CEO teases service to build or upgrade datacenters in six months.

Super Micro Computer Just Made a Game-Changing Move. Here's What You Need to Know.

Chrome and Edge users infected with malicious
browser extensions that steal your personal data. — what to do now

Hackers may have stolen the Social Security numbers of every American. How to protect yourself.
Wind Industry Delivers Dark-Ages (Occasional) Power Generation.

White House Unveils Plan to Safeguard Renewable Energy Infrastructure.


Try 1.

Monday August 12, 2024 20:11
New Windows 10 And 11 Blue Screen Of Death Warning Issued.

Can You Hack The RP2350? There’s $10,000 On The Line.

Dominion Energy: Data Center Demand Is A Game Changer.

HBM Chip Shortage: A New Bottleneck in the Data Center Supply Chain.

Dominion Energy: Data Center Demand Is A Game Changer.

1.2 million-pound steam locomotive ‘Big Boy’ Heartland of America Tour.

"Several test runs were made on the Evanston Subdivision from Ogden to Evanston (76 miles),
and it was found that a Big Boy could consume 11 tons of coal and
12,000 gallons of water an hour operating at full throttle, producing 6,290 drawbar horsepower
at 41.4 mph."

Data Centers have similar water consumption issues as Big Boy?.

'Big Boy' The World's Largest Steam Engine To Pass Through Oklahoma This Fall.

One of the worst data breaches in history just got even worse.

15 Countries with the Largest Uranium Reserves in the World in 2024.

New Mexico just announced a nearly $1 billion solar cell factory.

a quantity or number from which another is to be subtracted.

Chapter 3. The Cortex-M0+ Instruction Set.

The processor implements the ARMv6-M Thumb instruction set,
including a number of 32-bit instructions that use Thumb-2 technology.
The ARMv6-M instruction set comprises:

ADCS {Rd,} Rn, Rm Add with Carry.

SBCS {Rd,} Rn, Rm Subtract with Carry [with borrow?]

The Arm® Cortex®-M0+ is the most energy-efficient Arm® processor
available for embedded applications with design constraints. It features
one of the smallest silicon footprint and minimal code size to allow
developers to achieve 32-bit performance at 16 and 8-bit price points.

how many bits wide ar the rm, rn and rd arm m0+ registers?.

"Each of these registers is 32 bits wide. "

The processor has the following 32-bit registers: 13 general-purpose registers, r0-r12.
ryzen 7 5700U 8+8 cores Windows 11 laptop running Ubuntu
back from Durango ... doing another update

Orange Pi zero 2W seen at far left went to Durango still works.

$139 Walmart Lenovo celeron N5030 4+0 cores Windows 11 laptop running 10 22H appears to have serious issues.

Repeated tries to reboot through Lenovov startup.
FreeBSD Releases Urgent Patch for High-Severity OpenSSH Vulnerability.

NVIDIA Talks How AI Will Transform Graphical Computation On
Consumer GPUs: Transforming Pixels Into Visual Perception

   Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin, draws up to 2,600 megawatts
   from the regional power grid—about the same as the city of Austin

US utilities poised to ride data center demand wave in second half.

Datadog is a cloud-based monitoring and analytics platform that helps companies keep their applications and services running smoothly. At its core, Datadog offers real-time monitoring of servers,
databases, and numerous other tools and services across the IT infrastructure.

The AI Hangover is Here – The End of the Beginning.

Explosion of power-hungry data centers could
derail California clean energy goals

This mega hydroelectric plant is so big, it’s slowing
the Earth down: 11 billion kWh and the size of the Eiffel Tower.
Try 2.

Postiing first from ryzen 7 4700U 8_0 cores with bluetooth keyboard.

Sunday August 11, 2024 15:21

64-bit integer arithmetic possible .. in software, of course? Add with carry instructions?

waveshare Pre-Soldered Raspberry Pi Pico W Microcontroller Board
Basic Kit,Built-in WiFi,Supports 2.4/5 GHZ Wi-Fi 4,Based On R
P2040 Dual-Core Processor

P2040 Tech Specs
Dual-core Arm Cortex-M0+ processor, flexible clock running up to 133 MHz.

The Arm Cortex-M0+ processor is the most energy-efficient Arm processor available for constrained embedded applications. The Cortex-M0+ ....

A 32-bit hardware multiplier. This can be the standard single-cycle
multiplier, or a 32-cycle multiplier that has a lower area and
performance implementation.

x86 64 bit.

SBB — Integer Subtraction With Borrow.

x86 instruction set have too many instructions and instructions
form ... with exceptions ...not used by gcc c compiler

Cloud Market Share In Q2: Microsoft Drops, Google Gains, AWS Remains Leader.

AMD Nears 10% Data Center GPU Share In Less Than 3 Quarters Post MI300 Launch.

AWS to expand data centre operations in Hyderabad.

AWS Vs. Microsoft Vs. Google Cloud Earnings Q2 2024 Face-Off.

59 GW in data center load seeking to connect to Oncor’s system: CEO.
How to ingeniously and wirelessly inject malware onto someone's
nearby Windows PC via Google's Quick Share

One UI 7: What's new in Samsung's Android 15 skin.

AMD won't patch all chips affected by severe data theft vulnerability —
Ryzen 3000, 2000, and 1000 will not get patched for 'Sinkclose'

Massive security flaw puts most popular browsers at risk on Mac.

Hackers leak 2.7 billion data records with Social Security numbers.
Australia’s Wind & Solar Transition Delivers Astronomical Power Prices.
Try 1.

Saturiday August 10, 2024 18:40
Cloud growth puts hyperscalers on track to take up 60% of datacenter capacity by 2029.

'Original sin': Torture of 9/11 suspects means even without plea deal, they may never face a verdict.

The Bad 9/11 Plea Deal Might Be as Good as It Gets.

Another Green Energy Subsidy Bust.

Intel's processor failures: A cautionary tale of business vs engineering.
Video and Airplane Sketch Raise New Questions About Saudi Ties to 9/11.
Google Launches Pigweed SDK with Raspberry Pi Pico 2, RP2350 Support.

Cytron MOTION 2350 Pro – A Raspberry Pi RP2350 board for robotics and motor control.
Why Intel Stock Sank Again Today.

Nearly 20,000 Intel Employees Are Heading For The Exits: How Salaries
Stack Up Against Nvidia, OpenAI, Microsoft And More

AI offerings are a bad joke, and investors aren't laughing.

Cisco To Lay Off Around 4,000 Employees: Report.


Microsoft Warns of Unpatched Office Vulnerability Leading to Data Exposure.

Intel sued for copyright infringement over AI software.

AWS closes several cloud services to new customers.
Tech companies want nuclear power.
Some utilities are throwing up roadblocks

Big Tech drives staggering power demand projections. Is it all hype?.

Lithium Battery Fires Provide New & Exciting Firefighting Opportunities.
Try 2

Post from ryzen 5 3500.

Resize interface diffferen than ryzen 7 4700U.

Different programmer = more $s.

Friday August 9, 2024 19:04
Normalized Floating Point Numbers.

Normalized Floating Point Numbers A real number x, written in scientific notation is normalized if it has a
single non-zero digit to the left of the point. .

Jihadists Challenge Validity of Austin’s Rescission of 9/11 Plea Agreements.

Bush Administration Lawyer Whose Wife Was Killed on 9/11 Supports Plea Deal.

Defense chief defends decision to throw out plea deal for 9/11 defendants.

Attorneys say Austin violated military rules in halting deal for alleged 9/11 conspirators.
How data centers are being used to bypass clean energy goals.

Attorneys say Austin violated military rules in halting deal for alleged 9/11 conspirators

Super Micro Computer Q4: DCBBS Speeding Up Data Center Deployment (Rating Upgrade).

We Bought 1347 Used Data Center SSDs to Look at SSD Endurance.

Microsoft Reveals Four OpenVPN Flaws Leading to Potential RCE and LPE.

These are the two new books you need to read about AI.

China Built a Nuclear Power Plant That Technically Can’t Melt Down.

Super Micro Computer CEO Wants AI Data Centers To Go Green.

Malware force-installs Chrome extensions on 300,000 browsers, patches DLLs.

Raptor Lake microcode limits Intel chips to a mere 1.55 volts to prevent CPU destruction.
Hernosa CO,

Durango CO departure video.

"the Durango & Silverton Narrow Gauge Railroad moves to complete its conversion
to recycled motor oil as a fuel for its fleet of a half-dozen active
steam locomotives.Feb 16, 2024.

["Belive nothing you hear or read and only half of what you see"?].

"Federal officials allege that embers emitted from a coal-burning
steam locomotive used by the historic Durango and Silverton
Narrow Gauge Railroad started the blaze, and have filed a
lawsuit against the railroad seeking recoupment of $25 million
in firefighting costs, penalties and legal expenses."

James Ranch lunch.


Workspace view.

Lenovo wins worst answer award re: replacing your Intel CPU.
Try 2.

Thursday August 8, 2024 15:30
Raspberry Pi Pico 2 lands with (drum roll) RISC-V cores.

This Raspberry Pi lookalike has a StarFive JH7110 RISC-V processor.
The Business World’s Favorite Laptop Has Barely Changed in 30 Years.

Ryzen 9000 delid leads to first Zen 5 death — shared
photos expose cracked dies and leftover solder
AWS 'Bucket Monopoly' attacks could allow complete account takeover.

What Wind Turbines Are Made Of: Endless
Mountains of Minerals and Energy

Soaring California electric bills could prompt last-minute lawmaking.
Try 2,

Wednesday August 7, 2024 16:57
Waveshare ESP32-S3-Zero is a tiny WiFi and BLE IoT module with a USB-C port, up to 32 GPIOs.
9/11 hearings at Guantanamo Bay in upheaval after surprise order by US defense chief.

Sept. 11 Judge to Decide Whether Guantánamo Plea Deals Are Valid.

9/11 hearings at Guantanamo Bay in upheaval after surprise order by US defense chief.

Austin's surprise decision to overrule 9/11 plea deals muddies military hearing.

Attorneys say Austin violated military rules in halting deal for alleged 9/11 conspirators.

The Guardian view on a tech bubble going pop: AI pays the price for inflated expectations Editorial.

IBM wins control of slew of cryptocurrency domains.

Intel is sued by shareholders alleging securities fraud.

Will PC makers replace your crashing Intel chip? We asked 14 of them.
Subtract 0f 1 from -7 used to compute smallest negative number on 4 bit computer.

Addition of -1 used. -7+(-1) = -8.

1110 -7
0001 1.
1110 ones complement.
Add 0001
1111 -1.

Add 1110
   + 1111 from right to left. 1
0+1 = 1 no carry.
1+1 = 10 low order 0 + carry. 11
1+1 =10 carry bit 11 = another carry 111
Sign bit next.
1+1 =10 + carry bit. 1111
Carry out of sign bit but carry in. No overflow!

No subtract used. Add it carry instruction used. :)

Carry into sign position and no carry out or carry out of
sign with no carry in indicates overflow.

gcc c zeeros a 64 bit register then subtacts 1 to get -1.

8 bit computer -1 = 1111 1111 and -7 = 1111 1110

Add wwith carry instruction makes nultiple presicion computer arithmetic possible.

64 bit integer arithmetic possible with 8 8-bit add with carry insructions.

x86 64 bit instructdion!
ADC — Add With Carry


Ubuntu on ryzen y 5700U 8+8 cores. Insignia 32 ich monitor/tb.

hdmi switch button push.

Windows 10 22H2 ryzen 7 4700U 8+0 cores.

Intel severance: Chipmaker sets terms for buyouts, early retirement and layoffs.

Intel has lost Wall Street’s patience as headwinds keep mounting.

Puget says its Intel CPU failure rate is lower than AMD Ryzen failures —
system builder releases failure rate data, cites conservative power settings
[cpus >45 W failing, we read.]
Super Micro gave a whopping revenue forecast. Here’s why that’s not enough.

Axios Lays Off 50 Staffers Amid Media Landscape Shift.
Microsoft Hits Back at Delta in Clash Over System Breakdown.

'Criminals are preying on Windows users': Software subject of
CISA, cybersecurity warnings

AWS unveils a monster security system to keep it safe from threats.

Big Oil Doubles Down on LNG as Renewables Falter.

Wind & Solar ‘Transition’ Story Flips to Totally Unhinged.

EV Revolution Stalls, Leaving Metal Markets in Limbo,
Try 1..

Tuesday August 6, 2024 13:42
Twos complement computations:

Compute Ones complementm then add one. :(
a quantity or number to be subtracted from another.

intel 4004 instruction set.

8080 instruction set.

8051 instruction set.

x86 64 bit instruction seduction set.

esp32 instruction set.

We begin with a four bit twos complment computer.

3210 bit with 0 least significant bit.
Maximum signed positibe is 0111 binary, 7 decimal.

Ones compkenent computed with exclusive or XOR with
binary 111 which results in 1000.

Add 0001 to get 1001, decimal -7.

Bbut 0001 can be subtracted to get 1000, dcimal -8.

Unisgned binary 1111 is 15 decimal.

Four bit signed number can be placed into one-to-correspondene with
the natural numbers 0, 1, ... 15.

0 0
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 7
8 -8
8 -7
10 -6
11 -5
12 -4
13 -3
14 -2
15 -1

This mapping extends to 8, 15, 32, 64, 128, 256, computer twos complement
binary arithmetic.

WordStar 7, the last ever DOS version, is re-released for free,
How Many Parts Do Jet Engines Consist Of?.

A typical jet engine contains several hundred moving parts, but the e
xact number can vary depending on the engine design and type
Microsoft Update Warning—70% Of All Windows Users Now At Risk.

The AI bubble has burst. Here's how we know.

Former Manufacturing Giant SunPower Files for Bankruptcy.

Decades of Data Detail Wind & Solar’s Pathetic Performance.
Try 2.

Monday August 5, 2024 19:02
Embedded Python: MicroPython Toolkits.

CrowdStrike is sued by fliers after massive outage disrupts air travel.

Why Intel Stock Plummeted Again Today.

Nvidia Responds to Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chip Delay Rumors,

How the 9/11 Plea Deal Came Undone.

The Never-Ending Guantánamo Trials.

Green-Energy Flops Revive Bets on Natural Gas.

Wind & Solar Keep Devouring & Demanding Massive Subsidies.

$500B plunge: Largest 3-day wipeout for crypto in a year.

Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin, draws up to 2,600 megawatts
from the regional power grid—about the same as the city of Austin
Try 3.

Sunday August 4, 2024 15:32
Your ESP32 As A USB Bluetooth Dongle.

All The Air Ducting Parts You Could Ever Need.

Will We Ever Hear the 9/11 Mastermind’s Secrets? Before his plea bargain was scuttled, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was set to break his silence.

Users Of Android 13 Or Newer Warned As Treacherous New Threat Emerges.

Microsoft Update Warning—70% Of All Windows Users Now At Risk.
Futures: Nvidia AI Chip Delay Adds To Market Woes 1?.

How a Washington Tax Break for Data Centers Snowballed Into One of the State’s Biggest Corporate Giveaways.

Prediction: This 1 Thing Will Be Nvidia's Biggest Growth Driver Yet.

OpenAI’s current business model is ‘untenable’ — Report.
Hackers breach ISP to poison software updates with malware.

Nuclear oiwereed data centers?
New-Nuclear Offers Best Hope For Reliable & Affordable Power.

Hail risk may bring financial instability to solar projects.

Musk also previously detailed the massive cooling needs
for the Cortex supercomputing cluster, explaining that
the cluster would require around 130 MW of power and
cooling this year, before that expands to over
500 MW in the next 18 months
Try 1.

Saturday August 3, 2024 18:31
Steam Deck, Or Single Board Computer?.
Intel: Jump The Ship While You Can.

Entire value of Amazon can be justified by just AWS, says D.A. Davidson's Luria.

Why have the big seven tech companies been hit by AI boom doubts?.

With 9/11 plea deals revoked, victim's families face uncertainty.

Plea deal with accused 9/11 plotters revoked.
  "alid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged 'ringleader' of the 9/11 plot"

Defense secretary abruptly revokes plea deal with alleged
9/11 mastermind KSM, co-conspirators

Biden-Harris administration backtracks, revokes plea deal
for 9/11 terrorists

deal nixed for accused 9/11 mastermind. albuquerque journal. 8/3/24 A3.

Plea deal with accused 9/11 plotters revoked.

Speaker Johnson praises 9/11 plea deal reversal.

House Armed Services chairman responds after Defense secretary
reverses 9/11 plea deal

Microsoft: The Gift That Keeps On Giving.

Why have the big seven tech companies been hit by AI boom doubts?.

Data Center Boom Will Boost AEP’s Electricity Demand By 42%.

Billions in Damages From CrowdStrike Outage to Go Uninsured.

This giant One UI 7 leak shows all the changes coming to your Samsung phone.
Energy Fuels pauses uranium shipments from canyon
mine as Navajo leaders stage protest
Try 1.

Friday August 2, 2024 16:54
Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin revokes plea deal
for accused 9/11 terrorists in shocking reversal
Attacks on Bytecode Interpreters Conceal Malicious Injection Activity.

Chip index collapses 7% as Arm punctures AI optimism.

Intel tanks nearly 30%, pulling down with it several ETFs.

This Week In Security: Echospoofing, Ransomware Records, And Github Attestations 3 Commentsby: Jonathan Bennett.

'Band of killers': Major House committee launches
probe into 'unconscionable' 9/11 plea deal

Intel shares fall 20% on plans to cut 15,000 jobs.

Intel loses $1.6 billion as data center CPU and foundry divisions struggle.

Big Tech's AI spend is becoming too big to fail: Morning Brief.
Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin, draws up to 2,600 megawatts
from the regional power grid—about the same as the city of Austin
Bitcoin's slump deepens as Trump victory odds keep sliding. Big Tech Fails to Convince Wall Street That AI Is Paying Off.

Tech's AI message to Wall Street: Stop fretting.

Delta CEO criticizes Microsoft's fragility, praises Apple's stability.



The Generative-AI Revolution May Be a Bubble.

Can Microsoft Recover From The Q4 FY2024 Azure Disappointment?.

Amazon reports $13.5 billion profit in second quarter, driven by AWS.

Amazon Stock Falls as Revenue and Outlook Disappoint.
Android Banking Trojan BingoMod Steals Money, Wipes Devices.

Delta Says CrowdStrike Outage Wreaked Havoc on Team USA’s Travel.

Over 1 Million Domains at Risk of 'Sitting Ducks' Domain Hijacking Technique.

Cybercriminals Abusing Cloudflare Tunnels to Evade Detection and Spread Malware.

A new Android malware is emptying bank accounts and wiping devices.
Tiny Linux Patch Up To 32% Faster, Up To 18% Less Energy
For Intel Xeon Emerald Rapids

The EU Is Struggling to Counter Energy Poverty.

Try 2.

Thursday August 1, 2024 17:25
‘Wow, shocking’: Son of a 9/11 victim reacts to report on possible
Saudi involvement in 9/11

Biden-Harris plea deals for 9/11 monsters a craven surrender
and disgrace to 3,000 Americans

Anger mounts over environmental cost of Google datacentre in Uruguay.

Cost of Data Breach in 2024: $4.88 Million, Says Latest IBM Study.
Meta AR/VR Quarterly Revenue Growth Continues.

India's $45 Billion Startup Implosion Puts Tech Future in Doubt.
Rockchip RK3588-powered Orange Pi 5 Max SBC features up to 16GB LPDDR5,
2.5GbE, onboard WiFi 6E and Bluetooth 5.3
Programming Ada: Implementing The Lock-Free Ring Buffer.

U.S. Navy made a mistake?
US reaches plea deal with alleged
9/11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed
As Its CPU Scandal Deepens, Intel Plans to Cut Thousands of Jobs.


Second X post attempt posted.

Bitcoin 2024: When Rage Became The Machine.

'In the eye of the beholder:' Microsoft slips as Wall Street debates AI upside.

Microsoft Says Azure Outage Caused by DDoS Attack Response.
1,000 times more powerful and energy when you step on them:
Goodbye to solar panels with photovoltaic tiles

How The Wind Industry Has Wrecked Rural Communities Everywhere.
Try 1.

Wedbesday July 31, 2024 19:15
Microsoft Earnings: Stock Dips on Report.

San Jose, California-based SunPower Corp. is laying off 90 employees in its Bellevue office.

AWS quietly freezes CodeCommit, Cloud9, SimpleDB and more, customers complain
about lack of notice

Cybercriminals Deploy 100K+ Malware Android Apps to Steal OTP Codes.

America’s demand for skilled electricians is entering a boom cycle.

The rise and fall of Stack Overflow.

LightBurn Turns Back The Clock, Bails On Linux Users.

Meta’s Reality Labs posts $4.5 billion loss in second quarter.

Companies are growing skeptical of AI’s ROI.
Admiral and former Navy seal William H Payne complaint.

5 reasons why Linux will overtake Windows and MacOS
on the desktop - eventually

Intel to Cut Thousands of Jobs to Reduce Costs,
Fund Rebound

Laid-off California tech workers are sick to death of LinkedIn.

AMD stock jumps after earnings beat driven
by AI chip sales

Microsoft stock drops after results fall short in latest
AI disappointment

Magnificent 7 Down by $2.09 Trillion from Peak, then
Microsoft Comes Out and Makes Further Mess Afterhours

Delta Air Lines CEO on CrowdStrike outage:
Cost us half a billion dollars in five days
AWS Outage Hits Amazon Services, Ring, Whole Foods, Alexa.

AWS US-East-1 has API issues, causes Ring camera service outages.

North Korea-Linked Malware Targets Developers on Windows, Linux, and macOS.

Microsoft And AWS Outages: A Wake-Up Call For Cloud Dependency.
Wind turbines could steal as much as 38% of the power off
turbines downwind and even from ones 50 kilometers away

Navajo Nation plans to test limit of tribal law
preventing transportation of uranium on its land
Try 3.

Tuesday July 30, 2024 17:37
Truck carrying uranium to Utah will be stopped by Navajo Nation, tribal president vows.

Mass Layoffs Hit California as Businesses Fail, Organization Leaves State.

Raspberry Pi 5 hits world-record 3.4 GHz with thermoelectric cooling and firmware tweaks.

Meta AI data centers hold about 600,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs: SIGGRAPH 2024.

NSA Whistleblower Edward Snowden Drops Bombshell At Bitcoin 2024 Conference.

Meta AI data centers hold about 600,000 Nvidia H100 GPUs: SIGGRAPH 2024.
Button [seen to left of HF ac spligtter] pushed to switch Insignia 32 inch monitor/tv to Lenovo
Ryzen 7 4800U 8+8 cores running Ubuntu from Orange pi zero 2W Allwinnder H618 - ARN A53 64 bir running China Ubuntu.

7 Ubuntu immediately asked

Costly update lead to software companies bankruptcies?

A big cloud hangs over Big Tech earnings:
Is all this AI spending worth it?

How Searchable Encryption Changes the Data Security Game.

AMD to report second quarter earnings, as investors look for continued AI growth.

Microsoft 365 and Azure outage takes down multiple services.

Chinese Solar Firm Forced Into Bankruptcy as Glut Deepens.

Wind and solar energy overtake fossil fuels to provide 30% of EU electricity.

Where do Trump and Harris stand on cryptocurrency?.

how to grid scale solar farms convert dc to ac?.
.Try 1.

Monday July 29, 2024 17:24
Delta hires law firm following software outage, seeking compensation
from Microsoft, CrowdStrike
43 years ago, Microsoft bought 86-DOS and
started its journey to dominate the PC market


Back to BASIC—the Most Consequential Programming Language
in the History of Computing

5 reasons you should try using open source software.


Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin, draws up to 2,600 megawatts
from the regional power grid—about the same as the city of Austin

Microsoft buys 205 acres near Racine County data center development. Totals $34 million.

Intel's Biggest Failure in Years: Confirmed Oxidation & Excessive Voltage.
Gh0st RAT Trojan Targets Chinese Windows Users
via Fake Chrome Site

Multi-platform spyware provider Spytech gets hacked,
revealing global scale of operations and swaths of
unencrypted victim data

Intel's crashing CPU crisis deepens as more
models are affected than originally thought

It’s a Cruel Summer for Big Tech Stocks.

Ransomware operators exploit ESXi hypervisor vulnerability
for mass encryption

Hydrogen Gas: another Climate Cult myth busted.

People don’t realize how complicated a decent-sized grid-tie set up is.

The U.S States with The Cleanest Power Grids.

How AI’s heavy-energy usage kills any climate progress.

Rapid renewable energy growth leads FBI to warn hackers ill hit new, vulnerable power supply.

Trump Became Crypto Believer After Falling in Love With NFTs of Himself.

How ‘world’s first oil town’ is wrestling with fossil fuel legacy.

As the Great Salt Lake dries up, it's also emitting millions of tons of CO2.
Try 1.

Sunday July 28, 2024 18:29
Raspberry Pi Vs. Banana Pi: What Are The Differences?.
OpenAI is talking to $700 billion chip giant you've never heard of
to produce chip capable of rivaling Nvidia — Broadcom is bigger than Intel,
AMD, Arm and Qualcomm together

Data centers powered by clean energy draw higher prices, as AI fuels electricity demand spike.

AI drives sustainability despite concerns over data center energy consumption.

Nvidia's Data Center "Real Estate" Is Under Pressure, and It's Only a Matter of Time Before Its Share Price.

AWS plans 20MW Bloom fuel cell PPA for upcoming Silicon Valley data center.
[most heavily publicized security hole]


ESP32 Technical Reference Manuall.

Ohio and its cities are throwing hundreds of millions at tech giants and their data centers.

U.S. is Facing a Major Energy Crunch Due to AI's Insatiable Demand.

Last look: AI's voracious appetite.

AI requires massive amounts of power and water,
and the aging U.S. grid can’t handle the load

Intel's CPU instability and crashing issues also impact mainstream 65W and higher 'non-K' models — damage is irreversible, no planned recall.

Wind & Solar Transition On Track to Deliver New (Very) Dark Age.

The largest photovoltaic power plant ever seen:
3 million solar panels in the desert, with this in the middle

Save on a Smart Thermostat.

Why Australia has banned mining in one of the world’s largest uranium deposits.

What Are America’s Cheapest Energy Sources?.

Data centers guzzle power, threatening WA’s clean energy push.

Data center power loads threaten corporate net-zero goals.

The scenic state being eaten by the internet - as furious residents fight back.
Try 2.

Saturday July 27, 2024 15:21

Updates = -$s for corporations?

UBIFS File-System Being Hardened Against Power Loss Scenarios.

Retailer says Intel Raptor Lake CPU RMA returns are up to
4x of previous generations

Elon Musk signals reaching limit of Tesla’s HW3 despite
self-driving promise
CenterPoint went big on seldom-used mobile generators. $800 million later, it needs smaller ones.

Europe’s Nuclear Reset Means Wind Turbine Makers Face Total Collapse.

Texas Leaders Worry Bitcoin Mines and Big Data Will Crash the Power Grid.

Cryptocurrency mining, mostly for Bitcoin, draws up to 2,600 megawatts
from the regional power grid—about the same as the city of Austin
. Another 2,600 megawatts is already approved.

Coal Share of China's Power Output Drops to Record Low.
Try 2.

Friday July 26, 2024 16:53
Conduct unbecoming navy officer Admiral William H Payne Complaint.

DC to ~5V ~3A attempts.

Solar/battery powered nanocomputers.

Arduino to switch from Arm Mbed to Zephyr RTOS.
Insured losses from CrowdStrike outage could reach $1.5 bln, CyberCube says.

Bangladesh's internet shutdown isolates citizens, disrupts business.

OpenAI is taking on Google with a new artificial intelligence search engine

Great Rotation Trade Sees Investors Dump AI Giants for Less Obvious Stocks.

Core Scientific to expand Texas Bitcoin mining data center by 72MW.

There is no fix for Intel’s crashing 13th and 14th Gen CPUs — any damage is permanent.

Leak Reveals A ‘Big’ Fed Earthquake Could Suddenly Smash The Price Of Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP And Crypto.

Data breach exposes US spyware maker behind Windows, Mac,
Android and Chromebook malware
Oil & Gas Producers Making Massive Profits From
Intermittent Wind & Solar

"OK, new inverter is in hand, ready to be slapped i
n this weekend to replace the one which was damaged
by a lightning strike nearby.

Ure is VERY disappointed in Outback Power which
has gutted its support department and no longer
is working on product that’s out of warranty. This as
the once pinnacle of grid-tie was acquired –
we hear it’s coming to Texas (from Washington state)
so maybe they will wise up when they get here."-

US Cancels Second Gulf of Mexico Offshore Wind Lease Sale.

Data center renewables demand drives strong Q2 for NextEra Energy Resources.
Try 3.

Thursday July 25, 2024 15:40
Crypto Miners Are AI’s New Power Source. The Stakes Are Huge.



Declining coal volumes can’t sink Union Pacific’s second quarter results.

Data centers the size of cities coming to Northeast Ohio's electric grid.

How Energy Intensive Are Data Centers?.

TinyWatch S3 is an open-source, customizable smartwatch powered by ESP32-S3 SoC.

ESP32-S3 dual-core WiFi and Bluetooth LE 5 SoC supports AI acceleration for AIoT applications.

tinywatch vendors.

Back of DROKs.

Above DC to 5V DC.

Score a pair of Anker dual-port USB-C/A wall chargers
with two 5-ft. cables for just $13 ($6.50 a pop)
Microsoft’s ‘World of Warcraft’ Gaming Staff Votes to Unionize.

TECH Tech’s splurge on AI chips has companies in
‘arms race’ that’s forcing more spending
Major global chip equipment makers’ China revenue share
has doubled since U.S. imposed export controls

Jabil planned for Albuquerque to be a star in 3D printing.
Now, the company plans to cut 130 jobs.
abq j 7/25/24 A1.
CrowdStrike blames bug for letting bad data slip through, leading to global tech outage.

No sign Microsoft plans to limit Crowdstrike access to Windows after outage, source says.


Amazon data center arm buys Sterling campus for $136M.

Data breach exposes US spyware maker behind Windows, Mac,
Android and Chromebook malware

Google Confirms Bad News For 3 Billion Chrome Users—You Will Still Be Tracked.

Wind and Solar Resource Availability Fatal Flaw.
[battteries ... + natiral gas, coal, nucler, diesel, gasoline to the rescue?]

Snow Lake Provides an Update on the Black Lake Uranium Project.

Sun Power stops offering lease and finance options to new customers.

George Ure awaitng grid tie inverter replacment.

"With any luck, one of my sons-in-law – visiting for the weekend –
will help me hoist the replacement inverter into position.
Holding 60-pounds with one hand, while manhandling an
impact driver and bolts is something that at age 75 kind of, oh, you know."

U.S. Hits Record High Electricity Generation From Natural Gas.

U.S. Boosts Natural Gas Power as Wind Output Slumps to 33-Month Low.
Try 1.

Huge binary to decmal converstion video. Huh?

Wednesday July 24, 2024 13:11
LILYGO T-Halow is an ESP32-S3 board with long-range
WiFi HaLoW, OV2640/OV5640 camera support

Xtensa LX7 Processor.
CrowdStrike blames bug for letting bad data slip through, leading to global tech outage.
DROK ... has usb out connector. ++

No usb out. --

LM2596 DC-DC Step Down Variable Volt Regulator Input 3.0-40V Output 1.5-35V Adjustable.

10 Pack LM2596 DC-DC Buck Converter Step Down Module Power Supply DIP Output 1.25V-30V 3A Brand: BULVACK.

Battery bank with digital display replaces bank with analog display.

Video 7/23/24.

1 When analog bank disconnected Orange pi zero 2 did not shut down!

2 Powered hub powering Pi! Explains previous 0A draw from bank.

3 New unpowered hub rplaces powered hub.

4 Digital bank discharged to ~68%. Slow charging time with 100W Anker.

5 Conversion form a/d voltage to decimal digits very computation intensive++!

Paw display has advantages over digital?
Alphabet earnings top estimates as cloud business gains
steam, AI losses grow
KB5040442 / KB5040427: Microsoft confirms
Windows PCs boot into BitLocker recovery
  Alongside security fixes, these Patches
often introduce major bugs.

July Windows 10 update causes blue screen reboot loops – here’s the fix.

Travelers Delayed or Stuck by the CrowdStrike Outage:
What Did Your Airline Provide?

Serious New Google Chrome Security Warning For 3 Billion Users.

Recommendations To Keep Your Phone Safe From Spyware.

Switzerland now requires all government software to be open source.
U.S. Electricity Prices Surge Amid Grid Strains and Rising Demand.

Data centers can drive revenues for Dominion, Pinnacle West,
Southern, but there are risks: Moody’s

Data Center Liquid Cooling Market Set to Go Mainstream and
Top $15 B Over the Next Five Years, According to Dell'Oro Group

How long do residential solar panels last?. [Grid tie inverter failure isses.]

Survey shows 34.3% failure rate for residential inverters ...

Try 1.

Tuesday July 23, 2024 08:08

20 biuck 3A regulators recieived. Only 10 ordered ... mistake.


Amazon fixing.

Charging from 100W Anker.

Connectors on 'wrong' end? :)

96% charged.+

Google Talks to Acquire Cybersecurity Startup Wiz Fall Apart.

Delta canceled hundreds of flights Monday as it
recovers from Crowdstrike failures

CrowdStrike Update: Microsoft Releases Windows Tool
To Fix 8.5 Million Machines

Why CrowdStrike-style chaos is here to stay.

Insurers to see limited hit from CrowdStrike disruption, Fitch says.

Intel to deliver fix for Raptor Lake CPUs made
'unstable' by voltage snafu
Bay Area battery maker that had raised $110M suddenly
furloughs staff, says shutdown is likely
New Nuclear Age Heralds Cheap & Reliable Power Forever.

SunPower’s Meltdown Could Have Wide Impact.
Try 2.

Monday July 22, 2024 08:46
% charge level display requires much more sophisticated software

than discrete display charge level displays.

One reason for

Forth <#, #, #>, HOLD 'picture' formatting much more sophisticated that c printf.

printf is a port of FORTRAN FORMAT statement to c. :(

But can <#, #, #>, HOILD be ported to ARM, RISC-V, ... platforms using transparent portable
gcc c? :)


Can becoming a C++ expert ruin your engineering career?.


Meta's mass layoff severance agreements illegal, says judge.
Solar Companies Forced To Borrow To Finance Growth.

Can the solar industry keep the lights on?.

Vineyard Wind Turbine Failure: Incident Details,
Regulatory Response, and Industry Implications

Solar Surplus: California's Renewable Energy Dilemma.
Try 1.

Sunday July 21, 2024 15:01
Conduct unbecoming navy officer Admiral William H Payne Cpmplaint.



Amazon has two bestselling power banks for Prime Day,
but this is the only one I'd buy

Data center hotspots driving growth in US electricity usage - EIA.

Data center, crypto operations in 10 states drive all
US commercial power sales growth since 2019: EIA

"According to Bratcher, there are more than 20 industrial-scale
Bitcoin mining operations in Texas that can collectively
consume up to 2,300 megawatts of energy a day —
enough to power about 460,000 homes during times of high demand in Texas."

Bitcoin price 'explosive move' puts old $69K all-time high in sight.
Costs from the global outage could top $1 billion –
but who pays the bill is harder to understand.
Urban Survival.

July 20, 2024 at 08:29

Driver vision tester hacked to make senior citizens fail by showing VERY
SNALL letters defeated in New Mexico in 2024. Refusal to take vision
tester test led to 2024 driver license renewal audio.


Use of affidavits attesting to rigged vision testers essential step to
defeat those who unjustly want to remove your diving license. Read affidavits:




Musk tells Tesla 4680 battery team, fix them or we're done.
Try 3.

Saturday July 20, 2024 16:59
Pentagon still withholding F-35 payments to Lockheed over upgrade delays.

The 'Fake' CrowdStrike Worker Who Took Credit For Biggest-Ever IT Outage.

Pi goes to spaaaaace... for a bit longer than planned.
Microsoft tech issues could be the ‘biggest outage we’ve ever seen.

How the world’s tech crashed all at once.

Counting the Costs of a Global IT Outage.

'Painful' wake-up call: What's next for CrowdStrike,
Microsoft after update causes outage?

Friday's global computer meltdown.

Hacks at Twin Cities medical firms affect more than 1 million customers.
3412.14 BTU = 1 kWh. Heat rate for wind and solar?
Coal-filled trains are likely sending people to the hospital.

Calm Nights Keep Killing Wild Wind & Solar Transition Claims.

BTUs in a pound of wood.

https://www.peteslandscaping.com/ 7/19/24.

Rooftop Solar Was Having a Moment in Texas Before Beryl.
What Happens Now
Try 2.

Friday July 19, 2024 16:09
Microsoft's ‘Blue Screen of Death’ makes a return to computers around the world.

Lockheed Resumes F-35 Jet Deliveries Despite Software Delays.
Battery-powered Orange pi zero 2W mouse and keyboard connected to type c powered hub.

Unpowered c hub seen just below center of Insignia 32 in monitor/display.

Largestest power drain seen.

Ususally see

Power consiumption so low as to cause NIUI 10,000 ma battery charge level paw not to turn on.

Lenovo Ryzen 5 3500U Ubuntu laptop asking to install another update.

TCL monitor/tv controller failed.

Roku [6]button used to set-up monitor.

How a software update caused one of the
world’s biggest IT blackouts

Travel, banking and businesses hit after software bug causes worldwide IT chaos.

'Largest IT outage in history’ leaves world reeling.

Major Microsoft 365 outage caused by Azure configuration change.

WazirX hacker funnels $149M of SHIB, MATIC other altcoins into ETH.
SunPower Plunges After Halting Solar Installs and Shipments.

Solar to meet half of global electricity demand growth in 2024 and 2025.

During Historic California Heat Wave, a Hero Emerged:
Giant Solar-Powered Batteries

Wind Power Subsidies Keep Rising But Total
Wind Power Output Keeps Falling

SunPower Stock Plummets as Guggenheim Analyst Says Stock Is Worthless.

GE Vernova extends losses as more of
damaged Vineyard Wind turbine blade breaks off

Wind turbine blade 15 miles off Martha's Vineyard
breaks, pieces fall into ocean
. Photos.
Try 2.

Thursday July 18, 2024 15:44
The rise and fall of software developer jobs.

20 Million Trusted Domains Vulnerable to Email Hosting Exploits.

New details revealed about Microsoft’s $1.8B data center near Atlanta.

Intel Data-Center Executive to Take CEO Job at Spinoff Cornelis.

Hackers could create traffic jams thanks to flaw in
traffic light controller, researcher says

SolarWinds fixes 8 critical bugs in access rights audit software.
Driver license renewed. :)

Refusal to take machine vision tester test ... and resolution audio 7/17/24.

Diver license renewal audio 7/17/24.

10,000 mah cell phone battery bank powering Orange PI zero 2w nano computer system. wifi.

Charging batter from 1000W Ankerf.

Meter has Roku [6 in Japanese] button.

Solar/battery charging next. :)

Trump And Biden Trigger Massive Chip Stock Selloffs
In Asia After Big Tech Plummets On Wall Street
Google acquisition target Wiz another fruit of
Israel's military intelligence

Apple Warns Millions Of iPhone Users—Stop Using Google Chrome.

Bipartisan Senate bill proposes $12B for DOE’s AI work to
spur energy breakthroughs, other advances
A new IEA report spotlights China’s stranglehold on
supply chains for EVs, wind turbines, and solar panels

FBI warns of solar panel cyber threat: How Hawaii is at risk.

GE Vernova plunges as Vineyard Wind operations
suspended after 'blade failure'

SunPower Plunges After Halting Solar Installs and Shipments.
Try 1.

Wednesday July 17, 2024 16:07

Average Annual Salaries by Country. [cost living in each country?]

Nvidia Stock Drops. Why It’s a Big Victim in the Tech Exodus.

From Nir Zuk to Omri Casspi: The unexpected winners of the historic Wiz deal.

North Korean Hackers Update BeaverTail Malware to Target MacOS Users.

Here's How I Run MS-DOS on My Computer (And You Can Too).
how to report conduct unbecoming a navy officer.

Naval Inspector General Website: http://www.ig.navy.mil/
Hotline Complaints Procedure: 4-Step Hotline Procedure
Hotline Complaint Telephone Number: 800-522-3451 (M-F 0800-1600 EST).
E-mail: NAVIGhotlines@navy.mil.

Admiral William H Payne Complaint audio 7/17/24.

usb charge/load controller power ports or DROK to power solar/battery powered nanocomputers?

Qualcomm Snapdragon X Laptops See Sluggish Adoption
As PassMark Reports 0.3% Share Against x86’s 99.7%
Here’s how carefully concealed backdoor in
fake AWS files escaped mainstream notice

Hacker group claims it leaked internal Disney Slack
messages over AI concerns

Wind & Solar Rort Driven By Cynical Self-Interest.


Plant Vogtle Unit 3 Shut Down by 'Valve Issue'.

Malfunction shuts one of four units at Russian nuclear power plant.

Nuclear Reactor Malfunction Leaves Millions of Russians Without Power.

US solar panel makers seek tougher 'Made in USA' rules.
Try 11.

Tuesday July 16, 2024 15:34
AT&T is just the latest in a long list of companies facing data breaches in 2024.
Report: Alphabet close to $23 billion deal for cybersecurity startup Wiz.

AT&T should’ve stored their data on the blockchain, exec argues.

Microsoft Says Windows Not Im.pacted by regreSSHion as
Second OpenSSH Bug Is Found

Microsoft links Scattered Spider hackers to Qilin ransomware attacks.

Why Solar Stocks Fell Sharply on Monday.

Why Offshore Wind Power Is So Costly & Environmentally Destructive.

Energy Department proposes AI strategy.
Try 2,

Monday July 15, 2024 16:26
New HardBit Ransomware 4.0 Uses Passphrase Protection to Evade Detection.
New Mexico Motor Vehicles Division Lawrence, "They all have the same machines."7/12/25:(?

Audio snip 7/12/24

Le Potatos/ Renegade and Orange PI 5 share 43 inch insignia monito/tv
with $120 Lenovo n4020 4/128 GB running Windows 11 laptop.

The Le Potato at end of ~6 foot micro c power cable..

Amlogic S905X System on a Chip (SoC), which is the pairing of a quad-core ARM Cortex-A53 CPU

Runs gcc c. :)

Lenovo Windows 11 laptop seen at bottom.

Will Pico run gcc code?

Below advertised to run MicroPython.

AT&T Paid a Hacker $370,000 to Delete Stolen Phone Records.

Samsung’s next big update, One UI 6.1.1, is coming to these
Galaxy devices with new features. [One UI causing camea and update issues with Galaxy A23.]

"DAI is a crypto asset that attempts to maintain a price of 1 U.S. dollar."

Phishing victim reclaims $9.3m in DAI as scammer returns stolen funds.

Minino ESP32-C6 board is designed for IoT security and penetration testing.

How Startup Wiz Went From Zero to a Possible $23 Billion Sale to Google.
  in Four Years Cloud cybersecurity company founded by a group of
ex-Israeli military officers is close to landing the tech industry’s
biggest exit in years
Oil and Gas Are Here To Stay.

The World’s Power Grids Are Failing as the Planet Warms.

The Big ‘Renewable’ Energy Lie: Not Cheap, Not Clean, Not Green.

World power grids fail due to abnormal heat wave.
Try 1.

Sunday July 14, 2024 18:57
Huawei officially opens its 2,600-acre R&D center in Shanghai,
will accommodate over 35,000 scientists and engineers
. [sire hacked?]
Hackers use PoC exploits in attacks 22 minutes after release.

New Jersey Offshore Wind ‘energy boondoggle’
faces fierce criticism from residents

Retail Power Prices Reveal True & Crushing
Costs of Subsidised Wind & Solar

How hot is too hot for humans?.
New technology. Right price. :) Evaluation required.
You can also charge your mobile phone, tablet,
PCs through Dual USB output 5V/2.5A (max)

A.I.’s Insatiable Appetite for Energy.
  The soaring electricity demands of data centers and A.I.
  are straining the grid in some areas, pushing up emissions
  and slowing the energy transition.
Try 1.

Saturday July 13, 2024 15:20


AI Revolution Will Add Fuel to Data Center Boom, BlackRock Says.

If you’re an AT&T customer, your data has likely been stolen.
+2.oo right. ~$5 +1.76 left.

1.75 ~4 inches increased viewing distance by slightly less magnification than 2.00 reading blasses.

EyeglassWorld does not stock this type of frame. :(

Charging Samsung Galaxy A23 cell phone


Above replacement for unit that would not recharge.

INIU powers Banana Pi M4 zero and Orange Pi zero 2W ARM A53 64-bit nanocomputers. :)

INIU can be solar panel USB output recharged with $15.99 charge/load. :)

1 kWh = 3412.14 BTU. Fire hazard, of course.

HiLetgo 3pcs ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 ESP-12E Development Board Open Source Serial Module Works Great for Arduino.

High tech software technologies issues?
How did the auto dealer outage end? CDK almost
certainly paid a $25 million ransom

OpenAI is plagued by safety concerns.
Global Oil Consumption Hits Historic 100 Million Barrels Per Day Milestone.

Wind power surpassed coal in March and April.
Try 2.

Friday July 12, 2024 16:39
New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division manager Lawrence audio 7/11/24 audio.

Rents Soar 20% In Largest U.S. Data Center Markets.

How China and Russia could hobble the internet.

Exim vulnerability affecting 1.5M servers lets attackers attach malicious files.

New Data Center Developments: July 2024.

Data centre operator Equinix mulls minority stake sale in Hong Kong assets, sources say.

Amazon's new cloud computing chip, AWS Graviton4,
is now generally available. Take a look back at its evolution

Python Developers Hold the Key to Blockchain Adoption.
60 New Malicious Packages Uncovered in NuGet Supply Chain Attack.

Microsoft Issues Update Warning For All Outlook Users As ‘Dangerous’ New Threat Confirmed.

Apple Warns iPhone Users in 98 Countries of More Spyware Attacks.


GitLab Ships Update for Critical Pipeline Execution Vulnerability.

Akira Ransomware: Lightning-Fast Data Exfiltration in 2-ish Hours.

How did the auto dealer outage end? CDK almost certainly paid a $25 million ransom.

AT&T says criminals stole phone records of ‘nearly all’ customers in new data breach.

Dangerous security flaw found in Microsoft Outlook – go patch right now!.

FCC Says It’s Investigating Massive Breach of AT&T Customer Data.

Known SSH-Snake bites more victims with multiple OSS exploitation.

OpenAI is plagued by safety concerns.

CISA, FBI Urge Immediate Action on OS Command Injection Vulnerabilities in Network Devices.
As Nvidia, Amazon, Microsoft, And Google Dive Into Billions Of
Data Center Investments, Vietnam Opens Market To
Foreign Investors Allowing 100% Ownership
End of the Line for Arm's Mbed OS.
  But what will this mean for Arduino who
  rely heavily on the now dead OS?

Linus Torvalds says RISC-V will make the
same mistakes as Arm and x86

Python Meets JavaScript, Wasm With the Magic of PythonMonkey.

Former Aussie Chief Scientist Demands Governments
Go Full Fascist on Renewable Energy Approvals

Biden administration announces a $1.7 billion plan to
juice electric vehicles in America

AI brings soaring emissions for Google and Microsoft,
a major contributor to climate change

No End In Sight For Wyoming’s New Uranium Rush.

Houston area residents struggle without power
and water as excruciating heat continues

AI supercharges data center energy use –
straining the grid and slowing sustainability efforts


U.S. Solar and Wind Power Generation Tops Nuclear for First Time
Try 1.

Thursday July 11, 2024 16:30

EyeglassWorld Keith reading glasses issues 7/10/24 audio.

The FBI is an intelligence-driven and threat-focused national security organization with both
intelligence and law enforcement responsibilities. It is the principal
investigative arm of the U.S. Department of Justice.
gcc c compilet running on an x86 platform.

Powerful 8+8 cores ~500 Best Buy laptopo?

Arduino IDE may allow boot of an app or single task OS>

atmega328p instruction set.

gccc c compiler ported to Nano V3.0, Nano Board ATmega328P 5V 16M
Micro-Controller Board Compatible with Arduino IDE (Nano x 3 with USB Cable)

If to can it compile

    long long int a,b,c;

and exexute


and print using gcc c printf lld?

ACEBOTT ablr to compile and execute this above 64-bit code?

Cables included. :)

Jack Dorsey’s Block to supply 3nm mining ASICs to Core Scientific.

Why is PC gaming still terrible on Snapdragon laptops? Blame Steam.
India Needs 1 Million High-Tech Engineers as Economy Expands.

We're on the brink of an unemployment fiasco.
ViperSoftX Malware Disguises as eBooks on
Torrents to Spread Stealthy Attacks

Chinese APT41 Upgrades Malware Arsenal with DodgeBox and MoonWalk.

7 ways Windows 11 collects your data – and how to opt out.
Power outages impact Lumen's Houston data center after Hurricane Beryl.

China Building Twice as Much Wind and Solar as Rest of World Combined.
Try 1.

Wednesday July 10, 2024 15:53

EyeglassWold reading glasses and and optometrist exam issues.

Microchip Unveils 64-Bit Multi-Core PIC64 Portfolio.

Microchip Launches PIC64 Portfolio for Embedded and Space Apps.

Microchip PIC64GX is a quad-core 64-bit RISC-V microprocessor for real-time processing.

gcc c compiler most ported c compiler to different hardware platforms?
Banana Pi M4 zero.

Orange Pi zero 2W.

Raspberry Pi 4B.

Banana and Orange Allwinner H618 ARM A53 64-bit China hardware.

Raspberry Pi roadcom BCM2711, quad-core Cortex-A72 (ARM v8) 64-bit SoC.



No more boot loader: please use the kernel instead.

Amazon exceeds free cloud training goal early: 31 million learners and counting.


principle? A misteak?

New Blast-RADIUS attack breaks 30-year-
old protocol used in networks everywhere

Threat actors exploited Windows 0-day for more than a year before Microsoft fixed it.

What’s new with One UI 6.1.1? Lots of Galaxy AI stuff.

AWS's most powerful chip yet: An exclusive look into how the chip is tested.

The Stark Truth Behind the Resurgence of Russia’s Fin7.

Meet the hackers who can help get your crypto life savings back.

New OpenSSH Vulnerability Discovered: Potential Remote Code Execution Risk.

Microsoft and Apple ditch OpenAI board seats
amid regulatory scrutiny

Microsoft Windows Deadline—You Have 21 Days To Update Your PC.

Hackers target WordPress calendar plugin used by 150,000 sites.

Russian hackers infiltrate Veterans Affairs via Microsoft account.

Patelco credit union sued after cyberattack.
Amazon meets 100% renewable energy goal 7 years early.

PNW data center boom could imperil power supply within 5 years.
Try 2.

Tuesday July 9, 2024 13:41

Hackers leak 39,000 print-at-home Ticketmaster tickets for 154 events.

Power Outages Threaten Houston Data Center in Intense Heat.


EyeglassWorld associate Kieth audio 7/26/24.

Nusenda credit union Notarty audio 7/7/24.



Once high-flying Boeing is now a corporate criminal.
  Its woes illustrate the excesses of a lean-and-mean era
  in corporate America [uncertified/uncertifiable flight control software?]

Boeing agrees to plead guilty to defrauding the FAA
but escapes punishment sought by victims’ families
Data center campus in Virginia's Culpeper County gets approval.

Data center demand continues despite supply bottlenecks.
The largest password leak in history exposes nearly
10 billion credentials

Avast secretly gave DoNex ransomware decryptors
to victims before crims vanished

Ticketmaster warns customers to take action after hack.

RCE bug in widely used Ghostscript library now exploited in attacks.

Trojanized jQuery Packages Found on npm, GitHub, and jsDelivr Code Repositories.
The case for a government-owned nuclear reactor fleet.

Fusion Is Coming, But Are We Ready For The Problems It Could Cause?.

At least 7 dead and more than 2M without power
in Hurricane Beryl aftermath
Try 2.

Tuesday July 9, 2024 06:09

Those who get up with the bright,
Their kites will fly right.

B Franklin"?

Monday July 8, 2024 16:45
MVD Now driver vision test affivit.

EyeglassWold reading glasses and and optometrist exam issues.

Microsoft Orders China Staff to Use iPhones for Work and Drop Android.

Colocation Data Center Trends, Predictions, and Opportunities for H2 2024.
Boeing to plead guilty to criminal fraud charge stemming from 737 Max crashes.

how to report conduct unbecoming a navy officer.

Naval Inspector General

Website: http://www.ig.navy.mil/ Hotline Complaints Procedure: 4-Step Hotline Procedure Hotline Complaint Telephone Number: 800-522-3451 (M-F 0800-1600 EST)
E-mail: NAVIGhotlines@navy.mil
A beginner's guide to programming an ESP32 microcontroller.

  Open this link on your favorite web browser and
  download the zip folder of the Arduino IDE. :)

Furious Communities Reject Wind & Solar Rollout.

Overcapacity Hits Profitability of China’s Solar Panel Makers.

Huge battery storage system with solid-state accumulators connected to the power grid.
Try 1.

Sunday July 7, 2024 16:22
New Mexico trinity nucllear bomb test date: July 16, 1945.


5v, cable included. :)+.

The gcc c compiler needs to produce machine code for 8, 16, 32, 64 bit platforms.

Cable for below c connector to wires damaged.

Nost attempted c cable replacements would not charge above.

Until one found that charged from an unpowered hub on a $130 Walmart Lenovo
Celeron N5030 4+0 cores 4/128 GB laptop. :)

Second found which charges above from a 45 W Anker aac transformer. :)+

Arduino IDE used for below? :)++?

x86 64 bit instruction set. HAHaha?

ATMEGA328P specs.


James Bamford wiki bio.

torvalds criticizes use of rand in linux 2024.
Europe’s Voters Reject Greens’ Pro-Wind & Solar/Anti-Human Policies.

China, ready to snatch renewables from us:
three inventions causing panic in America

Has The Extreme Bear Market in Natural Gas Come to an End?.


Wind farm survived strong winds. :)

Anasazi-style wall felled. :(

Contractor rebuilt 7/5/24.

Contractor also rebult green windmill after it was felled by strong winds.
.Try 1.

Saturday July 6, 2024 15:31

MVD Now affidavit.

'Terrifying' Crypto Crash Triggers 'Extreme Fear' Panic After $2 Trillion Bitcoin, Ethereum, XRP, And Solana Price Wipe Out.

Android banking Trojan evolves to evade detection and strike globally.
Lenovo pc hacked. Canon SX150 camera files containing driver license vision test
and other 2024 files deleted.

Only one vision test pic survived. Discovered after ~day searching.

Linux updates improve Raspberry Pi performance and efficiency.
  Small improvements make the tiny single-board computer run better.

I turned my old PC into a private cloud - here's how I did it.
$504 Million.
  The total in federal grants to create a dozen
  “tech hubs” in regions beyond Silicon Valley and the coasts.

Nvidia’s stock gets a downgrade as AMD, TSMC
shares are deemed top plays

Electricity Demand Is Surging in These States
Because of AI and Crypto
Battery Cost Blowout: No Economic Way
of Storing Wind & Solar Power

Is Uranium finally back?.

Why SunPower Plunged Today.

Uranium still poisoning Navajo people.
But they can't stop the ore from coming
Try 1.

Friday July 5, 2024 15:58
Datacenter demand driven by AI... but constrained by power shortages.
Not content with drinking up all our water...
Data centre boom reveals AI hype’s physical limits.

Attempt to photograph very small eye test letters at DMV Now.

DMV Now convderstation.;

DMV Now 6/29/coonversation audio.

GlassesWorld optometrist 6/26/24 audio.


3.0 left. 2.0 right.

Cold, windless Victoria may run out of gas before the end of winter.

Wind and solar are important, but we need nuclear power,
and American miners can deliver
Try 2.

Thursday July 4, 2024 15:45
Microsoft, Google, Nvidia and more filed SEC
warnings that AI could ruin business
Second Banana Pi M4 zero removed from plastic bag.

Not used for many months.

Connected to Insignia 32 inch monitor/tv shareDd with Lenovo Ryzen 7 5700U 8+9 cores, 12/512 GB Windows 11 laptop running Arduino-installed Ubuntu.

Booted on second power on. :)

Bamama Pi runs China Ubuntu.

Goal to boot directly into an app on one of these nanocomputers. Le Potato? Raspberry Pi?, Orange Pi? ...

But goal impossinble because these nanocomputers boot first into an OS.

Arduino IDE may offer boot solutuion?

Both Banana Pi and ACEBOT supply power cable. :)

Wrong c cable can cause no boot or no charge. :(

Trying to Kill Chinese Tech Only Makes It Stronger.

Microsoft Office adds support for OpenDocument format 1.4, raising interoperability concerns.
384,000 sites pull code from sketchy code library
recently bought by Chinese firm

New Intel CPU vulnerability discovered, no new mitigations planned for "Indirector".

New Intel CPU vulnerability discovered, no new mitigations planned for "Indirector".

Hackers target Town of Apex, cause massive network outage affecting residents' online transactio.

Linux's DRM Panic "Screen of Death" Sees Patches For QR Code Error Messages.

If Intel can't come up with a Qualcomm-killer soon, it's game over for x86 PCs.
[64 bit x86 instruction set very complex. :(--]

Ever-Reliable Nuclear Crushes Hopelessly Intermittent Wind and Solar.

Elevated levels of radium can contaminate water supplies.

A bill passed in the 2022 New Mexico Legislature requires the
New Mexico Environment Department to “coordinate efforts
across the state to clean up and reclaim former uranium mine and mill sites

Can the climate survive the insatiable energy demands of the AI arms race?.


Germany's Grid Is Getting Greener as its Industry is Weakening.

Tesla’s Battery Storage Business Is BoomingTesla’s Battery Storage Business Is Booming.

The Future of Oil Demand Is Increasingly Clear as Trends Solidify.

Demand for uranium is booming. Who is benefiting?.
Try 1.

Wednesday July 3, 2024 16:38
Utility firms go nuclear over Amazon datacenter power deal.
Banana Pi BPI-M5 Pro low-profile SBC features Rockchip RK3576
octa-core Cortex-A72/A53 AIoT SoC
“Everything’s frozen”: Ransomware locks credit union users out of bank accounts.

Bay Area tech layoff totals jump to worst pace in more than a year.

Microsoft lays off employees in new round of cuts.

OpenText to lay off nearly 1,200 employees.

Hackers abused API to verify millions of Authy MFA phone numbers.

Two headers arrived too.?

Type c or micro c connector?

c. Video required. :)

What happened to the artificial-intelligence revolution?.
So far the technology has had almost no economic impact.
Phaidra raises $12M for AI software that helps manage
data center energy consumption
“RegreSSHion” vulnerability in OpenSSH gives attackers root on Linux.

Google now pays $250,000 for KVM zero-day vulnerabilities.

Federal Agency Issues New Warning If You Use Airplane WiFi.

Google Patches 25 Android Flaws, Including Critical Privilege Escalation Bug.
Critical Need For Reliable & Affordable Drives Nuclear Power Policy.

Electric Amazon Delivery Vans Keep Burning Down,
And Chargers May Be To Blame


Annual U.S. energy consumption (1776-1923).
Try 1.

Tuesday July 2, 2024 12:17
Tech Industry Wants to Lock Up Nuclear Power for AI.

Tech companies are turning to nuclear plants as AI increases demand for power.

As the AI boom gobbles up power, Phaidra is helping companies manage
datacenter power more efficiently

Big Tech Urgently Requests More Power For Data Centers.

Lenovo Ryzen 7 4700U 8+8 cores, 12/512 GB Windows 11 laptop runniing Ubuntu.

Arduino IDE invoked.

Nessage appeared.

Copied command in red.

Pasted into terminal. Keyed Enter, sudo pw,.

Command prompt returned but no ack or nak if command worked.

~$6 ESP8266 NodeMCU CP2102 ESP-12E nano computer conntect to a micro usb Fasgear cable borrowed from a Le Potato.

Not connected yet.

M.2 ssd connected to Banana Pi through Ugreen powered hub.

China Ubuntu file manager. :)

Samsung One UI causing multiple issues on Galaxy A23 Android cell phone. :(


One of the fun parts of the ESP32-S3 microcontroller is that it got upgraded to the newer Cadence Xtensa LX7 processor core, ....

3- pcs ESP32 S3 Development Board ESP32-S3-DevKitC-1-N16R8 WiFi + Bluetooth MCU Module, Dual Type-C ESP32-S3-WROOM-1 Cores Microcontroller Processor Integrates Complete Wi-Fi and BLE Functions.
New regreSSHion OpenSSH RCE bug gives root on Linux servers.

Chinese Hackers Exploiting Cisco Switches Zero-Day to Deliver Malware.

Attacks exploiting critical EOL D-Link router bug underway.

Indian Software Firm's Products Hacked to Spread Data-Stealing Malware.

Flaws in Open-Source Software Exposed 'Almost Every Apple Device' to Hacking.

3 million iOS and macOS apps were exposed to potent supply-chain attacks.

Volvo Is Fully Refunding Customers Of Its Coolest New EV Due To Disastrous Software.

How MFA Failures are Fueling a 500% Surge in Ransomware Losses.

Investors Ditch Dozens of Mega-Offshore Wind Power Projects.

GE Vernova sued over 'onshore wind turbine failures' in US.

How much coal is left in West Virginia?.
Try 1.

Number 3. :)

Monday July 1, 2024 18:30
Laid-off tech workers advised to sell plasma, personal belongings to survive.
Forlinx FET3562J-C SoM features Rockchip RK3562(J) SoC
with 1 TOP NPU, dual Ethernet, camera, display interfaces
'Super desperate': Things are very, very bleak for jobless Bay Area tech workers.

Move over, remote jobs. CEOs say borderless talent is the future of tech work.

Nano computers. :)

Nano computer software technology?
Former NSA chief revolves through OpenAI's door.
General Nakasone was just appointed to the board
— which doesn't inspire confidence in the company's 'non-military' future.

This Windows 11 bug may break Windows Security.

Data center power requirements/sources in focus.
Peter Dutton’s nuclear policy gives renewables investors a shock.

Having struck out with consumers, businesses and at the ballot box,
green advocates are moving on to a shocking new tactic

Small nuclear reactors could be on their way to Central WA.

hanford wa radioactive plume.
Try 1.

Sunday June 30, 2024 17:51
Failure to meet surging data center energy demand will jeopardize
economic growth, utility execs warn

Energy transition won't happen; power-hungry cloud and AI
will require more energy than ever

Social Media Giant Meta (Facebook) To Formally Announce
Massive Wyoming Data Center


All Raspberry Pi SBCs eligible for improved functionality thanks to new update.

High tech replacing fast food order workers.

Seen in:
1 Baker OR.
2 Madras OR.
3 Provo UT.
4 Albuquerque NM.

Apple phone watch at right.

Apple maps used to locate all data ceneter locations.

Apple maps works very well in urbana environment.

Gamin nuvi 1450LM gps worked well for navigation to motels
... but failed locating urban destinations.

Nuclear-owered data cebnters now in focus.
12 Largest Uranium Producing Countries in the World.

Commercial Electricity Demand Grew Fastest
in US States with Rapid Computing Facility Growth

Nuclear Power 101: Safe, Reliable & Affordable
Power Generation In-A-Nutshell

Activists call on Gov. Hobbs to close
uranium mine south of Grand Canyon
Try 1.

Saturday June 28, 2024 11:46
“He could see the pieces of the puzzle because he built BASIC on it.”.

In July 1981, a month before the PC's release, Microsoft purchased all rights to 86-DOS from SCP for US$50,000.

30 years later, FreeDOS is still keeping the dream of the command prompt alive.

Sipeed Tang Mega 138K Dock is a lower-cost GOWIN GW5AST FPGA + RISC-V development board.

Sipeed Tang Mega $239.99.


RAUC open-source OTA update solution for embedded Linux ported to Rock Pi 4 SBC.
Nvidia Is Making It Easier for Cloud Companies to Spend Billions on Artificial Intelligence (AI) Chips.

The world has gone crazy for Nvidia. Or at least, Wall Street has.

A Tech Reckoning Is Coming, Financial Pro Says. It’s Time to Play Defense.

Software slump vs. AI hype: Here’s what you need to know.

AWS’ Trainium3 chips likely to consume 1kW of power, company to adopt cold plate cooling.

Amazon is doubling value of credits for some startups to build on AWS as Microsoft cloud gains ground.
CISA looked at C/C++ projects and found a lot of C/C++ code. Wanna redo any of it in Rust?.

Google is cracking down on internet security in this big way.
Dexcom lays off 535 workers from California HQ, pulls manufacturing out of state.

Wind & Solar Scammers’ Propaganda Pitch Attempts to Bury Community Opposition.

The New Era of Clean Energy: Transcontinental Power Lines.

Like it or not, a hydrogen ecosystem is coming to New Mexico.

regulators don't let legislatures interfere with enegy conflict. ab q j6/28/24 A3.
Try 1.

Google search:

nsa crypto ag and the iraq iran conflict.

Friday June 28, 2024 09:58
Windows: Insecure by design.
Get your hands off my computer, Microsoft!
Cyberattacks cripple car dealerships nationwide, Chattanooga businesses also affected. Are rainy days ahead for cloud computing?.

Lenovo adopts Chinese Loongson CPUs for cloud servers — 16-core Loongson 3C5000 chips necessary to rebuff US sanctions.

Antitrust investigations focus on powerful influence in AI.

Arduino Jameco. :)

Arduino Amazon. :) too.

ESP32-S3 is a dual-core XTensa LX7 MCU ....

Xtensa® Instruction Set Architecture (ISA) Summary. :)++?

ESP32-S3 wiki.

Bananan Pi M4 zero inexpensive keyboard and mouse conntect to ~5 usb port
connected to the Ugreen powered c hup.

6/29/24 view.

R PI4B at lower right.

Button pushed.

Raspberry Pi 4B RPiOS 64 bit running long before 6/21/26 data center/vacation

Photos made with 48mp

Not activated. :) But Tracfone 90 day card bought in case Galaxy A23 dies.
Planet lays off 17% of workforce.

Two Bay Area tech companies to lay off hundreds of workers.
One UI :(--
Everyone agrees: One UI has just too much bloatware.

Wind Energy Production During 12 June 2024.

China is Hoarding Coal Ahead of Summer Demand Peak.

Electric car battery charges in under five minutes in track test.

Bill Gates and Warren Buffett Team Up to Transform Nuclear Power.

A cooler uranium market means dealmaking for miners.
Try 3.

Thursday June 27, 2024 15:53

Europe wants to send data centers into space — study says it’s possible.

Chinese chipmaker samples 128 core server CPU with chiplets ....


Alibaba Cloud reveals its datacenter design, homebrew network
used for LLM training

Nuclear-owning utilities in US primed for more data center energy deals – S&P Global.

Nuclear's AI Data Center Deals Raise Concerns.
Bay Area tech's 'layoff surge' has slashed salaries, report says.

CEOs from Mark Zuckerberg to Sundar Pichai explain why companies
are making cuts this year
New smartphone SIM card has embedded CPU core —
single RISC-V core claimed to help deliver 10x storage,
10x faster transfers, improved security
Microsoft yanks Windows 11 update after boot loop blunder.

Critical MOVEit vulnerability puts huge swaths of the Internet at severe risk.
U.S. energy production exceeded consumption by record amount in 2023.
[electricity production?]

Newly Released 2024 US Electricity Sector Data.

Visualized: the parts of the US where summer heat has risen the most.

Microsoft Azure Data Center Locations.

Country Firefighters Refuse to Fight Wind Turbine and Solar Panel Fires.

Try 6.

Wednesday June 26, 2024 17:39
Researchers upend AI status quo by eliminating matrix multiplication in LLMs
Running AI models without floating point matrix math could mean far less power consumption.
Second data center rield trip in Hermiston OR.

Apple maps used to locate all data centers.

Search disctoninued. Moved to seach for AWS dta center in Umatilla.

Guard audio 5/27/24.

No security building located ... but Herminston coal-fired generation place observed.

No typical data center fences seen.

Banana Pi M4 zero just completed sudo apt update on China Ubuntu. Ethernet connection.

Long sudo apt upgrade .... about as long as Orange PI.

Ugreen powered hub seen conntected.

Powered hub disconnected.

Poswered hub connected.

DataBank plans $256m data center in Dallas, Texas.

Apple to build data center in Taiwan - report.

Data Center Cooling Market to Top $16B in 2028, Research Indicates.

Singapore lays the groundwork for smart data center growth.
Pine64 Oz64 RISC-V+Arm SBC to support NuttX RTOS and Debian Linux.

Think the CDK outage is just about cars and dealerships? Think again.

New Hack Attack Slows Internet Speed To See What Videos You Watch.

Hackers Grow More Sinister and Brazen in Hunt for Bigger Ransoms.

New 'Snowblind' Banking Malware Targets Android Users With Linux Kernel Exploit.

FinTech Banking Partner Evolve Bancorp Hit by Major Ransomware Attack.
Wind & Solar Rent-Seekers Rattled By New Nuclear Power Policy.

Despite decades of subsidies and mandates for renewables, the world still uses fossil fuels.

This Energy Transition Thing Really Is Not Happening.
Try 4.

Tuesday June 25, 2024 08:03

Orang pi works with old hdmi splitter.
5G wifi connection. :)

Orange pi.

Upgrade took long time.

Ethernet access for those nanocomputers without wifi. Le Potato, Radxa, ..

Nanocomputers share 43 inch Insignia display with $120 Lenovo Best Buy N4020 4/128 GB laptopo running Windows 11.

Linux geeks cheer as Arm wrestles x86.
Weird & Wacky Ways Of Powering Data Centers Are Under Consideration.

California’s Nonsensical Battery Locomotives.
Global calls cyberattack that crippled its software platform
a "ransom event

280 Million Google Chrome Users Installed Dangerous Extensions, Study Says.

The Microsoft co-founder has invested more than $1 billion in reactor developer TerraPower to build a new type of American nuclear energy.

Nuclear Power Plan Heralds Demise of Wind & Large-Scale Solar.
Try 7.

Monday June 24, 2024 16:48
AI Wreaks Havoc on Global Power Systems.

Meta Los mLunas NM solar/battery data center field trip 6/23/24.

Construction contractor entrance?

Guarad fence not yet surrounding all data center buildings.

These tu\ype of fences seen at AWS Umatilla OR, Meta Prinevill OR, Google Dalles OR and AWS Bordman OR.

Some have barbed wire strands at top.

Guard coming out to meet poster.

Prevopis field trip guard reported that Los Lunas data center would like another year and a half to

Microsoft shelves its underwater data center — Project Natick had fewer server failures compared to servers on land.

Posted in Artificial Intelligence.

AI’s Hidden Secret—Data Centers.


Could We Put Data Centers In Space?.

AI Power Consumption: Rapidly Becoming Mission-Critical.

Meta Los Lunaa NM soilar/battery data center guard audio 6/23/24.\ audio.

Old hdmi swith works with Le Potato. :)

Guard question poster interest on visit answer. :)

Le Potato runs Ubuntu server software. :)

Ethernet, no wifi ... like the Radaxa.

Logitech mouse does not work on white table.
Snowflake breach snowballs as more victims, perps, come forward.

Fake software fixes fuel money-stealing malware threat.

Cyber attack compromised Indonesia data centre, ransom sought.

How has the CDK Global shutdown affected your car dealership experience?.
Spontaneous glass breakage on solar panels on the rise.
Try 2.

Sunday June 23, 2024 14:49
Tract acquires 8,590 acres in Reno, Nevada, for data center park.

It has been designed to support large AI applications, meeting
the power and cooling demands of increasing AI workloads from businesses in the city

Supermicro plans to flood market with liquid-cooled datacenter tech. Cathie Wood Says Software Is the Next Big AI Opportunity ....

The Corporate Race For Implementing AI Is Hot. Here’s How To Get Ahead.
Old hdmi switch works. :) New switcch or generic issue?

"If it's not broken, then don'T fix it."?


The FBCS data breach has put sensitive data in the hands of crooks.

CDK Global outage caused by BlackSuit ransomware attack.


Think Nvidia Stock Will Only Go Up? The 17-Year Money-Losing Lesson From Microsoft You Need to Hear.

Nvidia is carrying the S&P 500 like no company since possibly IBM four decades ago, expert says: ‘It’s unheard of’.

‘Visibly shaken’ founder watches memecoin plummet 90% during live Spaces pitch.

Watch out, these S&P 500 stocks could fall in the second half of 2024.

Artificial Intelligence (AI) Juggernaut Nvidia Is One of the World's Most Valuable Companies.
Here's What Investors Should Know
3412.14 BTU = 1 kWh.
Demand For Hydrocarbons Proves Wind & Solar No Match For Coal, Oil & Gas.

Renewable Energy Projects Stalled by Transformer Shortage in the U.S..
Try 1.

Posting from Lenovo ryzen 7 4700U 8+0 cores 8/512.

White bluetoon keyboard. Wired mouse. :)

Saturday June 22, 2024 12:28
Oracle plans to open a $1 billion data centre in Madrid.

AWS to invest $9.44bn in Frankfurt cloud region.
Car dealerships are being disrupted by a multi-day outage
after cyberattacks on software supplier

Fmr. NSA hacker weighs in on CDK's plan to pay ransom in
cyberattack that shut down car dealerships

Nuclear Video Matinee: Uranium Mining and Milling.
Try 1.

Friday June 21, 2024 08:31

$120 Best Buy Lenovo N4020 2+0 cores 4/18 GB Windows 11 llaptop now running


Ubuntu bankruptcy possible?
Display switching issue discovered 5/22in Durago CO source under investiagetion.


Green led active channel nice.

Pocket 386 is a mini laptop for retro computing
with support for DOS and Windows 95

Retro Pocket 386 Windows3.1 CPU XT PC Laptop Computer
8088, Mini Laptop Compatible with MS-DOS System, ...

Copilot Plus PCs launched this week,
but a lack of reviews and the AI-powered Recall ...

Researchers Uncover UEFI Vulnerability Affecting Multiple Intel CPUs.
1kW =341214... BTU.
Europe’s Negative Power Prices Highlight the
Need for Energy Storage Investment

Offshore Wind Industry Gets More Massive Subsidies.
Try 1.

Thursday June 20, 2024 08:57

Data Center in a shoebox?
Supercomputer designer shrinks the Cray C90 to
wristwatch size … sort of

Los Lunas Data Center.

Linus Torvalds Demotes "FORCE_NR_CPUS"
Embedded Linux Option To Avoid Confusion
New Rust-based Fickle Malware Uses PowerShell for UAC
Bypass and Data Exfiltration
Wyoming's Uranium Mining Boom Draws Another
Foreign-Owned Exploration Firm

Study finds coal mine contaminants blown onto
snowpack in Alberta, British Columbia

Trump Targets America’s Offshore Wind Scam.

Try 2.

Wednesday June 19, 2024 18:13
Amazon cancels plans to tap natural gas pipeline for data center.
Nvidia’s Ascent to Most Valuable Company Has Echoes of Dot-Com Boom.

Can Anyone Topple Nvidia as the King of Artificial Intelligence Investments?.

Fengate Acquires Canada Data-Storage Firm eStruxture in $1.3 Billion Deal.

"AI cloud services, also known as AI as a Service (AIaaS), are cloud-based platforms and solutions that offer AI capabilities and resources to people and businesses alike."

Elon Musk Says Tesla FSD AI Having Exactly The Problem I Thought 2 Years Ago It Was Having.

$209 hp stream 13 2/32 GB running 10 1909.

Prevviously stuck at 1511 beause of hardware error, India hp manager reported.

Contractor Ace [real name] installed 1909.

875 Threads. 38023 Hanles! :(--?

2..16 GH turbo.

Windows 10 1909 OS software overhead slowing app executions?

$130 Walmart Lenovo n5030 4+0 cores, 4/28 GB Windows 11 laptop running Ubuntu. Low left corner

Insignia 50 inch 2150 external monitor.

Updates can brankrupt software companies?

Motog 49mp cell phone photos.
Cyberattack led to harrowing lapses
at Ascension hospitals, clinicians say

Arm security defense shattered by speculative execution
95% of the time
Try 5.

Tuesday June 18, 2024 15:25
Google to invest another $2.3 billion into Ohio data centers.
Uncertified/uncertifiable c/c++ flight control softwre?
DAILY OPEN CNBC Daily Open: Boeing’s reckoning.

Boeing hid questionable parts from regulators that
may have been installed in 737 Max planes, new whistleblower alleges

Boeing CEO heads for Senate grilling as new whistleblower alleges
company hid bad airplane parts.
ChatGPT was down due to major outage — here's what happened.

Larry Ellison Shocker: Oracle Cloud Data Center for Every Customer!.

Microsoft is in trouble.

Hackers Detail How They Allegedly Stole Ticketmaster Data From Snowflake.

Hackers Demand as Much as $5 Million From Snowflake Clients.

Could Microsoft's creepy 'Recall' AI feature become potent spy tool for crooks?.

When can we expect Samsung One UI 7.0 (Android 15) update?.

VMware Issues Patches for Cloud Foundation, vCenter Server, and vSphere ESXi.

Security bug allows anyone to spoof Microsoft employee emails.
Bluegriffon is a port of Hotmetal Prto 6.0.

Works on new hardware/software.

Complicated htm tags at first. Been getting simpler.


1 kWh = 3412.14 BTU.
TDK claims insane energy density in solid-state battery breakthrough.

Visualized: Renewable Energy Capacity Through Time (2000–2023).

After A Crisis Of Confidence, Data Center Developers Again Put
Their Faith In Small Nuclear Reactors

Wyoming nuclear energy project advances to phase 2;
completion in Q3 2025

Bill Gates’ great $1B commitment to nuclear energy should be a
wake-up call to climate progressives

Recycling Is Broken. Should I Even Bother?.

Alberta’s Last Coal Plant Shuts Down as Natural Gas Takes Over.

Texas producing fossil fuels at record levels amid heat wave.

pnm asks to increase rates in 2025 and 2026. abw j 6/15/24 A1.

Germany’s Manufacturing Industry Destroyed By Wind & Solar Obsession.
Try 4.

Monday June 17, 2024 19:52
ASUS quietly built supercomputers, datacenters and an LLM.
Now it's quietly selling them all together

High-severity vulnerabilities affect a wide range of Asus router models.

AWS’ AI And GenAI Leader Leaves For DigitalOcean As New CTO.

Hamas Hackers Sling Stealthy Spyware Across Egypt, Palestine.

AWS is pushing ahead with MFA for privileged accounts. What that means for you ...

Commanders file plans to turn Ashburn practice facility into data centers -- but no time soon.

Huawei’s HarmonyOS NEXT Rumored To Remove All Source Code
That Is In Any Way Linked To The U.S., Including Linux And Android

Hackers Detail How They Allegedly Stole Ticketmaster Data From Snowflake.

5 Numbers to Know About the Coming Heat Wave.

Solar Power Is Bigger Than Oil For The First Time In History.

Try 7.

Sunday June 16, 2024 19:52
IT is rapidly expanding beyond the data center is the rise of edge computing.

Nuclear data centers? Transcript: Bill Gates on "Face the Nation," June 16, 2024.

Panasonic Information Systems Selects Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
to Drive Modernization of Internal Systems Across the Group
U.K. Hacker Linked to Notorious Scattered Spider Group
Arrested in Spain

Bill Gates Says He’s Ready to Put Billions Into Nuclear Power.

uranium mine tours.

Cameco McArthur River Virtual Tour.

new mexico uranium mine cleanup.

Tribal, Federal Officials Tour Abandoned Uranium Mine Site Near Cameron.

Electricity prices in France turn negative as renewable energy floods the grid.
Try 1.

Saturday June 15, 2024 17:56
Hydrogen fuel cell plant proposed for 600MW London
data center campus

Data center developer proposes 3rd campus near Atlanta.

Microsoft’s star AI chief peers into OpenAI’s code,
highlighting an unusual rivalry

Microsoft’s Nadella Is Building an AI Empire. OpenAI Was Just the First Step.

Mark Zuckerberg is planning a massive 7-building compound in Lake Tahoe: report.
Former IT employee gets 2.5 years for wiping 180 virtual servers.

New Wi-Fi Takeover Attack—All Windows Users Warned To Update Now.

Hackers have found a clever way to use emojis in their attacks
— but it’s not what you think

Pakistan-linked Malware Campaign Evolves to Target Windows, Android, and macOS.

Pakistani Threat Actors Caught Targeting Indian Gov Entities.
Green’ Hydrogen Hype.
Try 1.

Friday June 14, 2024 20:42

LuckFox Pico Ultra is a micro dev board with PoE and a Rockchip RV1106 ARM/RISC-V chip.
Boeing and Airbus bought plane sections with falsely certified metal.

Microsoft to invest $7.16 billion in new data centres in northeastern Spain.

More and more cloud players are moving into the Spanish region of Aragon.
How Cybercrime Empires Are Built.

Ascension hacked after employee downloaded malicious file.

New York Times warns freelancers of GitHub repo data breach.
Bill Gates is going nuclear: How his latest project
could power U.S. homes and AI

Californians Warned of $12 Billion Nuclear Bill.

ERCOT CEO Stuns Texas Officials With New Estimate For Power Needs.

You Paid Hundreds of Millions for Solar Power
to Wreck the Environment

Offshore Wind Industry’s Costs Claims Hit Peak Delusion,

Ørsted to install Tesla battery storage system at Hornsea.

California legislators break with Gov. Newsom over loan to keep state's last nuclear plant running.

Trump Once Promised to Revive Coal. Now, He Rarely Mentions It.

Canada Poised to Reclaim Top Spot as World's Largest Uranium Producer.
Try 1.

Thursday June 13, 2024 17:32
Prince William supervisors vote to keep data center overlay district intact.

AWS now offers a monster 896-core cloud instance averaging $263 per hour.
Microsoft’s Nadella Is Building an AI Empire. OpenAI Was Just the First Step.

The Windows on Arm chip race heats up with a challenger to Qualcomm.

Ubuntu Talks Up A RISC-V Octa-Core Laptop.
Massive Wind Power Output Collapses Threaten Total Grid Failure.

Deadly and Wildly Profitable, Uranium Fever Breaks Out.

uranium mine tours.
Try 4.

Wednesday June 12, 2024 19:59
"AI technologies require vast computational power, storage space and low-latency networking for training and running models. Typically, these applications are usually hosted in data centers for their resource availability and optimized conditions."

Tech Firms Ask NextEra for Enough Electricity to Power Entire Cities.

Amazon Web Service Boardman OR field trip.
Wind/coal Provo to Moab field trip 6/12/24.
Suzlon wind turbines Spanish Fork UT.


Coal front end coal loader + helpers, Wellington UT.

Coal rail loading facility, Wellington UT.

Former huge coal heap now almost empty.

Coal truck unloading.

Second Savage coal truck depot at Wellington.

Field trip end. Moab UT.

Air conditionws motel. :)
Data Center access hardware instrutions?
ARM Outs Their New IP lineup for 2024.

Compass Datacenters acquires 120 acres in El Mirage, Arizona.

Snowflake Stock (NYSE:SNOW) Sinks as Data Breach Details Are Revealed.
Chinese hackers breached 20,000 FortiGate systems worldwide.

Black Basta Ransomware May Have Exploited MS Windows Zero-Day Flaw.

Plex Cracks Down on Media Server ‘Hacks’.

AWS adds passkeys support, warns root users must enable MFA.

If wind and solar are so cheap
why does it have to be subsidised?
.Try 2.

Tuesday June 11, 2024 16:45
Pure Storage confirms data breach after Snowflake account hack.

Pure Storage confirms data breach after Snowflake account hack.

Arm Warns of Exploited Kernel Driver Vulnerability.

TellYouThePass ransomware exploits recent PHP RCE flaw to breach servers.

Forget Copilot+, Windows is already tracking everything you do — here's how to disable it.
Microsoft, Apple, and Nvidia Dominate the S&P 500 Like No Trio Ever Has.
New Data Highlights Achilles’ Heel Of One Of Biden’s Favorite
Green Power Sources

Massive solar farm with 80 MWh of storage goes online in Lone Star State: 'Texas needs every available megawatt'.

We just broke ground on America’s first next-gen nuclear facility.

GE Vernova’s head of offshore wind quits company.

Billionaire Bill Gates Lands In Kemmerer For Nuclear Plant, Then Plays Poker.
[nuclear power plants consume 270-670 gallons of water/MWh, depending on operating efficiency and site conditions.

Researchers at Sandia National Laboratories put the estimate higher, finding that the typical 500-megawatt coal-fired utility burns 250 tons of coal per hour, using 12 million gallons of water an hour—300 million gallons a day—for cooling.

In general, all solar power technologies use a modest amount of water (approximately 20 gallons per megawatt hour, or gal/MWh ) for cleaning solar collection and reflection surfaces like mirrors, heliostats, and photovoltaic (PV) panels.

water withdrawals is roughly 1 gallon/kWh and for consumption is 0.6 gallons/kWh. Since wind energy uses essentially no water, the water withdrawal and ...]
Try 1.

Monday June 10, 2024 14:17

A Boeing 737 was only 10 feet off the ground as it cleared the runway
when a software glitch meant it didn't have enough thrust
Mandiant says hackers stole a ‘significant volume of data’
from Snowflake customers

Multiple ChatGPT instances work together to find and exploit security flaws — teams of LLMs tested by UIUC beat single bots and dedicated software.

Ransomware Is ‘More Brutal’ Than Ever in 2024.

Frontier hackers threaten to release private data for at least 750,000 customers.
Desperate For Power, AI Companies Look To The Nuclear Option.

Energy buffs give small modular reactors a gigantic reality check.

Data centers are choosing Indiana. Is the state’s electricity supply ready?.

Amazon scraps plan to use fuel cells, powered by natural gas, to run Oregon data centers.

In Wyoming, Bill Gates moves ahead with nuclear project aimed at revolutionizing power generation.

How to Wreck Reliable & Affordable Power Supplies:
Add Costly & Chaotic Wind and Solar

Bulgarian Nuclear Plant Starts to Replace Russian Fuel.

AMD CEO Lisa Su spoke at the ITF World 2024 conference, where she outlined the company's plan to achieve 100x power efficiency improvement by 2027.

Power, not latency, to guide computing at the edge.

The ‘Climate Crisis’ Fades Out.

Hitachi Energy invests a further $4.5B to expand the electricity grid.
Try 3.

Sunday June 9, 2024 16:36

Many hackers have familiar sayings in their heads, such as “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it” and KISS (Keep it simple, stupid).

Arm unleashes its most powerful CPU and GPU design yet as it targets Qualcomm, Apple and x86 — Cortex-X925 Core and Immortalis G925 GPU offer significant performance gains as Windows-on-Arm gathers pace.

86 is still a big deal even now, and it all started with the Intel 8086 almost half a century ago.
Who Leads the Data Center Surge in the US? S&P Global Report.
Amazon Laid Off More Than 100 Middle Managers Despite Making
$10 Billion In Profit Last Quarter — ‘We Were Working 12-16 Hour Days’.
Malicious VSCode extensions with millions of installs discovered.
Companies refuse to insure Palm Beach County homeowner with solar panels.

The Hydropower Industry Is Facing an Existential Threat.

When Hydropower Runs Dry.
Try 1,

Saturday June 8, 2024 17:51
New York Times source code stolen using exposed GitHub token.
Columbia river gorge WA side.

Wind turbine blade going east in Blue mountains WA near Pendleton OR.

1 kWg 2312.13.. BTU.____
Lithium Batteries Burn For Days.

Power, not latency, to guide computing at the edge.

World's biggest solar farm comes online in China's Xinjiang.
ry 2.

Friday June 7, 2024 17:36


HQ 6/4,5/24.

Breaking data transmission barriers: Innovations in
data center interconnects

Microsoft, Google Cut Hundreds Of Cloud Jobs Amid Record Data Center Spending.

Where the CHIPS Act money has gone.
The Snowflake Attack May Be Turning Into One of the Largest Data Breaches Ever.


Scientists find security risk in RISC-V open-source chip architecture that China hopes can help sidestep US sanctions.
So Many Unsold Teslas Are Piling Up That You Can See Them From Space.
Try 1.

Thursday June 6, 2024 17:40
Why Arm chips pose a threat to Intel and AMD’s PC dominance.

A Last Embedded Dance with Jack Ganssle.

New data center could bring in billions of investments in Pittsylvania County.

Layoffs, abusive calls, and AI fears: Inside the front lines of Amazon’s ‘customer obsession’ promise.
Hackers Exploit Legitimate Packer Software to Spread Malware Undetected.

Understanding Security's New Blind Spot: Shadow Engineering.
New U.S. Solar Capacity Additions Break Record.

UK warns against solar farms on farmland.

The renewable green energy disaster off the northeastern US is getting worse.
Try 1.

Wednesday June 5, 2024 16:09

Why did Google choose The Dalles?.

Hackerproof fence?

Good beach day.

Bad beach day video. Prompted move to Goggle data cener field trip.

Why are there so many data centers in Oregon?,

More layoffs at Microsoft: What's really going on here?.
Biden Wants Big Tech To Invest in Power Generation for AI Boom.

AI’s Power Needs Means New Nuclear Power Tech Can’t Fail, US Energy Official Says.

Power-hungry data centers spur US talks with Big Tech, energy chief Granholm says.

Cisco (CSCO) Expands Data Center Portfolio With New Solutions.

Microsoft acquires nearly 300 acres for data center growth in El Mirage.
Try 2.

Tuesday June 4, 2024 16:39
OpenAI and Google DeepMind workers warn of AI industry risks in open letter.

Charted: How Many Data Centers do Major Big Tech Companies Have?.
Microsoft exec blames Azure layoffs on the 'AI wave' in leaked memo.

ChatGPT was down for hours – here's what happened and when it returned.

Microsoft buys 900-plus acres of St. Joe Farm for data center for $77.5M.

The scary secret behind the boom in data centers.

The Scary Secret Behind the Boom in Data Centers.

Snowflake Warns: Targeted Credential Theft Campaign Hits Cloud Customers.

Google cuts at least 100 jobs across fast-growing cloud unit, sources say.

Gov. Holcomb announces $1 billion Microsoft data center will come to LaPorte.
As Solar Power Surges, U.S. Wind Is in Trouble.

Wind & Solar: When Politics and Physics Collide.

Equinor Announces Offtake Deal for New York Offshore Wind Project.

Chinese spies are targeting disgruntled workers within U.S. corporations, warns national counterintelligence head Michael Casey.

OpenAI looks like a real disaster right now.

OpenAI Insiders Warn of a ‘Reckless’ Race for Dominance.

Singapore Looks to Have More Gas-Fired Power Plants to Meet Rising Demand.

Try 1.

Monday June 3, 2024 15:43
Can Python Be Used With Arduino?
Here's Which Programming Languages Are Supported.

Forget about Windows on Arm, where’s Windows on RISC-V?.

Ticketmaster Hacked: Customer Data Stolen and Shopped on Dark Web by ‘Criminal Threat Actor,’ Live Nation Discloses.

Beware: Fake Browser Updates Deliver BitRAT and Lumma Stealer Malware.
The ugly truth behind ChatGPT: AI is guzzling resources at planet-eating rates.

Microsoft to lay off hundreds at Azure cloud unit, Business Insider reports.

5 Huge AWS Executive Hires And Exits, Including CEO Selipsky.

Azure Service Tags tagged as security risk, Microsoft disagrees.

Microsoft confirms layoffs in mixed reality but will
keep selling HoloLens 2 headsets

Amazon (AMZN) Rides on AWS Amid Strong Generative AI Efforts.

Energy buffs give small modular reactors a gigantic reality check.

Silicon Valley’s Coming Energy Crisis.
  Artificial intelligence will put pressure on the electric grid.
Companies like Amazon and Microsoft are racing to set up new data centers.

Meta Primevile OR data center freld trip.

Two entry points each with signal guard.

Los Lunas Megta solar/batteries perimeter security similar.

Amzaon Umatilla pdx69 fencing similar.

US slows plans to retire coal-fired plants as power demand from AI surges.

Columbia river gorge.

Virginia Explained: Data Center Expansion, with all its Challenges and Benefits.

In threat to climate safety, Michigan to woo tech data centers with new laws.

The intermittency of wind and solar power could be
worse than originally thought. experts say

Europe’s Natural Gas Prices Soar on Sudden
Supply Outage in Norway

Soaring Renewables Displace Fossil Fuels in Europe’s Power Mix.

Try 2.

Sunday June 2, 2024 06:42

24 of the best free alternatives to the most popular paid software.

Liquid Cooling is Coming to Your Data Center: Dell Tech World Highlights the Options. [low power data center electronics options?]
Here Are 9 Companies With Reported Data Hacks This Week: Everything we Know.

Massive criminal records leak exposes 70M Americans' personal information.

Hackers Targeting 1,500 Banks and Their Customers in Push To Drain Accounts Across 60 Countries: Report.

Will Amazon data center impact utilities in St. Joseph County?.
Try 1.

Saturday June 1, 2024 15:13

The pace of innovation in AI is slowing, its usefulness is limited, and the cost of running it.

Mark Zuckerberg is quietly sitting on a shopping empire with 4 times the customers of Amazon, as Facebook Marketplace skyrockets.

Kaspersky releases free tool that scans Linux for known threats.
Strong Winds Wiping Out (More) Ageing Wind Turbines.
Try 3.

Friday May 31, 2024 18:02
Amazon to add 15 datacenters to atomic-powered campus.

Hermiston field trip destination 5/30/24.

Guided to AWS Hermiston facility by Apple maps.

Guard said no AWS here.

Showed guard cell phone direction message. :(?

Transofmer station behind Apple maps identified AWS facility.

FBI Takes Down Huge Global Army of Zombie Computer Devices.


RedTail Crypto-Mining Malware Exploiting Palo Alto Networks Firewall Vulnerability.

Europol and US seize website domains, luxury goods in $6bn cybercrime bust.

Critics of Putin and his allies targeted with spyware inside the EU.

Santander staff and '30 million' customers hacked.

Superhacker’s Arrest in Singapore Raises Uncomfortable Questions for the City-State.

Live Nation says that a hacker is trying to
sell Ticketmaster data on the dark web
No Google news on Lenovo ryzen 7 4700Un8_0 cores.

Googoe New now working.

Yahoo! news.
Hundreds of thousands of US internet routers destroyed in newly discovered 2023 hack.
Power-Starved Dutch Ditch Renewables & Go For Gas.

Coterra Energy announced a large layoff of employees at its GDS (GasSearch Drilling Services) Marcellus operation yesterday.
Try 2.

Thursday May 30, 2024 17:17
Umatilla Data Centers Locations (23).

AWS granted 1,600-acre rezoning request,
plans 15-building campus at Pennsylvania nuclear site

Mystery malware destroys 600,000 routers
from a single ISP during 72-hour span

Amazon PDX69. Unmarked buildings.

Cyber Espionage Alert: LilacSquid Targets IT, Energy, and Pharma Sectors.
AWS, Orange to offer cloud computing in Morocco, Senegal.

Google to invest $2 bln in data centre and cloud services in Malaysia.

AWS in your community: Here’s what’s happening in eastern Oregon.

Amazon AWS: PDX80 Hermiston OR.

Umatilla County data centers say, 'Please pass the megawatts.

Sabey Data Ceenters Umatilla.

A software engineer worked at Tesla, SAP, and Salesforce. Here's how he negotiated his salary, including a $520,000 Meta offer.

Sam Altman Wasn’t Fired From Y Combinator, Founder Says—As OpenAI Chief Faces Criticism From Ex-Board Member.

Is Microsoft Recall a 'privacy nightmare'? 7 reasons you can stop worrying about it.

CISA Alerts Federal Agencies to Patch
Actively Exploited Linux Kernel Flaw
Fighter jet crash in Albuquerque prompts questions on F-35 program.
NSA Warns iPhone & Android Users To Turn It Off And On Again.

UnitedHealth leaders 'should be held responsible' for installing
inexperienced CISO, senator says
AI expansion runs into green energy roadblock.

Duke Energy reaches clean energy supply deals
with Amazon, Google, Microsoft
Try 2.

Wednesday May 29, 2024 17:01
Former OpenAI board member explains why CEO Sam Altman got fired before he was rehired.

WCH CH32V002 32-bit RISC-V MCU comes with 4KB SRAM, supports 2V to 5V DC supply voltage.

Amazon Cloud Traffic Is Suffocating Fedora's Mirrors.

Amazon Web Services is a massive division within an even larger company.
Blacklisted Chinese Companies Rebrand as
American to Dodge Crackdown
Microsoft Uncovers 'Moonstone Sleet' — New North Korean Hacker Group.

F-35B fighter jet crashes near Albuquerque International Sunport.

Crypto users left vulnerable via sham Google Chrome extension.

SpiderOak One customers threaten to jump ship following datacenter upgrade.

Amazon (AMZN) Expands AWS Clientele with FWD Collaboration (revised).

Over 90 malicious Android apps with 5.5M installs found on Google Play.

Google won’t comment on a potentially massive leak of its search algorithm documentation.

Meta caught an Israeli marketing firm running hundreds of fake Facebook accounts.
Householders For Costs of Managing Daily Solar Surge.

Climate and health benefits of wind and solar dwarf all subsidies.

Used Teslas are getting very cheap, but buying one can be risky.

Biden administration expands tax credits beyond wind, solar.
Try 3.

Tuesday May 28, 2024 16:18

We polled thousands of IT pros – and sustainability just ain't a priority right now.

OpenAI creates oversight team with Sam Altman on board, begins training new model,.
Sam Altman-Backed Nuclear Startup Signs Major Data Center Contract.

Top AI executives tell us they're racing to overcome old-fashioned shortages — electricity, computing power, chips, data ....

AI is an energy hog. This is what it means for climate change.

Canonical releases Ubuntu 24.04 Server image for Milk-V Mars RISC-V SBC.

Milk-V Mars RISC-V SBC.

Milk-V Duo A RISC-V Computer.

Ubuntu 24.04 Now Available For The Milk-V Mars RISC-V Single Board Computer.

Olimex open-source hardware NXP i.MX 8M Plus industrial-grade SoM runs mainline Linux.

Virginia’s data center boom takes Central Va. by storm with recent large-scale project approvals.

AMD Grabs 33% of Server CPU Market and Prepares for Major Processor Launch: Report,

What the heck is a data center?.
Researchers Warn of CatDDoS Botnet and DNSBomb DDoS Attack Technique.

Hackers target Check Point VPNs to breach enterprise networks.

Spyware maker pcTattletale shutters after data breach.

Chinese Firms Once Embraced, Now Shunned in US on Security Fears.
American energy is essential to global security, but Biden undermines us at every turn.

Why First Solar Is A Must-Watch Stock In The AI Era.

Soaring Solar Power Is Creating Challenges for the U.S. Energy Grid.

Siemens Energy's Gamesa to cut 4,100 jobs, CEO says in staff letter.

California is about to side with PG&E — again — this time to kill community solar projects.

Top US coal producer Wyoming just approved a $1.2B solar farm.
Try 1.

Monday May 27, 2024 19:31

Ended 5/26/24. http://www.prosefights2.orgF/irp2023/windscammers19.htm

Ransomware Group Claims Responsibility for Christie’s Hack.

Moroccan Cybercrime Group Steals Up to $100K Daily Through Gift Card Fraud.

Tornado Destroys Wind Turbines in Adams County.

Coal's Decline Accelerates as Natural Gas and Renewables Boom.

Try 2.

Sunday May 26, 2024 18:23

How can we say we are programmers, while we are using someone else’s
NSA Utah Data Center.

Hasb NSA earned a reprimand?.

Amazon Pays $218M for More Virginia Land for Data Center Development.

Microsoft confirms building data centers in Licking County after buying over 700 acres.
Tech Workers Retool for Artificial-Intelligence Boom.

Google’s A.I. Search Errors Cause a Furor Online.

Snapdragon X Elite shows 2X higher multi-threaded performance than Apple M2 in new benchmarks — Apple M2 is faster in single-threaded performance, though.

Qualcomm Oryon cores are said to be based on the ARM v8.7 microarchitecture. Much like modern AMD and Intel processors, ....
Arc browser’s Windows launch targeted by Google ads malvertising.

Tesla Owners Get Only 64% Of EPA Range After Just Three Years: Study (Updated).

Fact 5. More than 300 counties have banned or instituted moratoria on wind or solar projects.

In Russia’s Coal-Mining Heartland, Opponents of Plan to Revive a Soviet Hydropower Plant Are Being Silenced.
Try 1.
