Driver license renewed. :)
Refusal to take machine vision tester test ... and resolution audio 7/17/24.
Diver license renewal audio 7/17/24.
New Mexico Motor Vehicle Division manager Lawrence audio 7/11/24 audio.
EyeglassWorld Keith reading glasses issues 7/10/24 audio.
7/10/24 19:34
Hello Keith,
1 I visited EyeglassWorold on
Friday June 28, 2024 to pick-up driving and reading eyegasses after 1 PM, as
you instructed.
2 I. immediately tested the driving glass by driving on
Tramay/4th/Alameda then back via Paseo del Norte.
3 No issues with
driving glasses..
4 I then wen to
on Montgomery to test the EyeglassWorld optometrist 3.0 reading
5 I had to be ~8 inches from displays before I could read
6 The reading glasses had to be removed to navigate through the
7 I tested the 3.0 glasses reading a computer display. Letter
and display was blurry.
8 After dinner I visited CVS Pharmacy at San
Bernardino and Tramway.
9 I tired on reading 2.5 and 2.0 glasses.
9 2.0 gave me clearer reading vision.
10 I ordered
13 Here is optometrists prescriptions.
3.0 left. 2.0 right.
11 Amazon 2.0 glasses appears to work well for computer display work ... and I could see over the rims for room navigation and other objects in a room
12 Testing the 3.0 glasses created the appearance that EyeglassWorld Optometrist11a did not know how to operate the vision testing equipment
11b intensionally prescribed reading glasses to damage my vision.
14 Here is the invoice.15 Contents of conversation with optometrist about 'rigged' computers raised concerns.GlassesWorld optometrist 6/26/24 audio.16 Included before are two affidavits attesting to rigged driver vision tester machines>
16 MDV Now claims I failed its vision test>
17 I ask to see a copy of the vision chart I was unable to read.
18 Does EyelgassWorld have solution for getting my driver license renewed
19 Is the 6/28/24 information gathered by EyeglassWorld sufficient for me to get
my driver license renewed for another year?
Keith, you did a very professional job assisting me.My complaint is with the optometrist.
EyeglassWorld associate Keith audio 7/26/24.
bill Payne
! Affiant visited MVD Now on Holly street.
2 Purpose of visit was to renew New Mexico driver licence on
3 DMV Now instructed affiant to take vision test.
Letters seen in vision tester were small as to be illegible.
5 Affiant
used Canon SX160 to take photo of what affiant saw seen below.
6 Clerk reported that affiant failed vision test.
7 Clerk gave
affiant below single sheet [front and back] to be complete.
8 Affiant recovered MDV Now 6/29/24 meeting with clerk
9 Affiant suspect that the MDV Now vision tested had be 'rigged' to show
test letters too small to read.
10 Riigghgng a MVD vision tester by New
Mexico MVD had been tried once before as blow affidavit attests.
11 Hackers appear of have deleted all the recent Canon SX160 2024 photos
containing the rescured
photo seen in 5 from below computer.
Harassnent reason reference 7?
A Pretext
for War author arranged to have Mr. Buelhler phone affiant.
Buehler send affiant documents, and book titled Verschlüsselt and a Swiss
Radio International tape [].
forwarded these materials to the Baltimore Sun after request for them by
reporter Scott Shane and J Orlin Grabbe.