Conduct unbecoming navy officer
Admiral William H Payne Complaint

First posted
Sunday July 21, 2024 07:40
Wedbesday July 31, 2024 10:21
Friday July 26, 2024 09:19

Hello Naval Inspector General,

1. You were alerted:
how to report conduct unbecoming a navy officer.

Naval Inspector General Website:
Hotline Complaints Procedure: 4-Step Hotline Procedure
Hotline Complaint Telephone Number: 800-522-3451 (M-F 0800-1600 EST).

Admiral William H Payne Complaint audio 7/17/24.

2. Complainant denies Admiral and William H Payne's TV accusation "He has posted this stuff".

3. I knew noting about "this stuff" until I read Payne's accusations.

4. The U.S. Navy to
4A. Recall Admiral William H Payne to active duty.

4B. Investigate whether Admiral William H Payne's charges
are correct or incorrect.

4C. If investigation concludes William H Payne's charges are correct,
then inform complainant of conclusion and close the investigation.

4D. If the investigation concludes that Admiral William H Payne's
TV accusations are correct or he had no basis for making accusations,
4Da Reduce Admiral William H Payne's rank to Seaman Recruit.

4Db Discontinue an U.S. Navy payments to Payne.

4De. Give Payne a dishonorable discharge from the u. S. Navy.

4E Do notthing?

5 Please acknowledge receipt of this complaint.

6 Please tell us of the U. S. Navy's decision on Admiral William H Payne
within 20 working days.


William Harris Payne 13015 calle de Sandias NE
Albuquerque, New Mexico 8711

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A Pretext for War author arranged to have Mr. Buelhler phone complainant.

Mr. Buehler send affiant documents, and book titled Verschlüsselt and a Swiss Radio International tape [].

Complainant forwarded these materials to the Baltimore Sun after request for them by reporter Scott Shane and J Orlin Grabbe.
