New Mexico
Energy, Minerals & Natural Resources Department
information request

First posted
Monday June 22, 2020 13:10
Saturday February 20, 2021 08:06


Monday June 22, 2020 13:27

Hello EMNRD, Request updates to New Mexico Primary Energy Consumption by sources and sectors, 2012.
diagram for each year 2013 through 2019.
Reason is that PNM VP Thomas Fallgren wrote that "Intermittent" wind/gridscale solar require "fossil-fueled" backup in his "energy Sources' report.
Fallgren's report removed from PNM website. Intermittent electricity sources unsuitable for Industrial/residential- commercial applications? PNM 2017 Integrated Resources engineers intermittent wind turbine/gridscale solar July 27, 2016 data.

PNM IRP 2017 solar out diagram

illustrates backup requirement for solar electricity generation?

PNM IRP 2017 engineers' July 27, 2016 New Mexico wind turbine/gridscale solar data [] suggests scam/fraud?

PNM director of transmission called electric output of the New Mexico Wind Energy Center "laughable'.

Director "retired" from PNM, I was told.

IRP 2017 director also retired from PNM.

Elimination of coal as "fossil-fueled" backup in progress, we read.

New Mexico shale natural gas production in danger, we also read.

EMNRD update 2012 diagram essential? Please respond whether is request is granted/denied by 6/29/20.


bill payne


Construction on the $385 million La Joya Wind Farm in Torrance County is well underway.

Avangrid Renewables announced last week that construction for the 35,000-acre wind farm began in February and is expected to wrap up by the end of the year.

State Land Commissioner Stephanie Garcia-Richard approved a lease on 7,000 acres of state land
for part of the project last fall.

When completed, the project will consist of 111 turbines and have a total generating capacity of 306 MW. The portion sited on state trust land will include 74 new wind turbines capable of generating a total of 207 MW.

South Australia erratic, intermittent, low capacity factor wind output. :(
"Capacity factor is the measure of how often a power plant runs for a
specific period of time. It's expressed as a percentage and
calculated by dividing the actual unit electricity output by the
maximum possible output."

wind and solar both erratic and intermittent too.
The neighboring El Cabo Wind Farm, also operated by Avangrid, generates 298 megawatts. That project cost around $500 million, according to Pitts.

The La Joya project is part of a power purchasing agreement with Facebook in Los Lunas. That means the megawatts generated at La Joya will power the Facebook facility in Valencia County. :)


avangrid to acquire pnm resources in $4.3B deal. abq j 10/22/20 A1.

merger could speed up renewable development. A1.


Engineer Thompson/ PNM IRP 2020 Director Nick Phillips verbal exchange web meeting 9/15/2020.

Engineer Dave Gilmer was responsible for maintaing PNM electric load before retirement.

Gilmer asked about backup hardware twice, imo. Nick Phillips responds to Gilmer second question.

2017 IRP Directdor Pat O'Connell and Nick Philips exchange thoughts.
German Electricity Imports Hit New Record, Rise 43.3 Percent in First Half Of 2020!.

Once they became law, Haas benefited from the subsidies, known as feed-in tariffs, for selling renewable energy to the grid at about 50 cents per kilowatt hour.
Without them, he faces earning no more than the wholesale power price of around of 2-4 cents.

What's Wrong with Wind and Solar.


Wifi returned o solar/battery Pi 4B 4/64 #1 11/6/20 afternoon.
after reposition of tp-link range extender and cycling power.


November 4, 2020 13:02

Hello Nick: PNM IRP 2020 Director,

Snow storm October 26, 2020
disrupted solar panel electric power output to solar/battery-powered
~$55 Raspberry Pi 4B ARM cortex quad core A72 processor runing Linux Debian software.

Runs Apache2 Internet web server too.

12 V 35 Ah AGM deep cycle battery voltage declined to ~12.18 V which is near 50%
discharge level.

Battery could be damaged if discharged below 50%?

Pi4 system was disconnected by pressing button on EEEKit ~$14 charge/load controller.Pi4 was successfully reconnected once sun power returned to 100 W panel.
PNM IRP 2017 engineers' posted
I ask that IRP 2020 staff post similar data for October 24-31 for the same sites
so that we can see effects of this snow storm on New Mexico wind and
solar systems output.

Reason is to try to estimate backup required during this period

PNM VP Thomas Fallgren concluded that "intermittent" wind and solar electricity
generation requires "fossil-fueled" backup in his 'Energy Sources' report.

Report removed from PNM website.

Mew Mexico Energy Transition Act requires moving away from fossil-fueled plants
such as San Juan and Four Corners coal generating stations.

IRP 2017 July 27, 2016 erratic, intermittent, low capacity factor wind/gridscale
solar electric power output and other sources suggests scam/fraud?

"scam/fraud?' " required because data not verified and no method on
how it was collected given.

IRP 2017 Director was asked to provide verified data.

No response received.

Therefore, IRP 2020 staff is asked how data collected [electronics and software]
as well as you providing notarized statement that information is correct.

Please acknowledge that you have received this request and provide timetable for


Nick Wintermantel.

Nick Schlage.


Erratic solar.

"Intermittent" [which requires "fossil-fueled backup,
PNM VP Thomas Fallgren conlcuded in 'Energy Sources] solar.

New Mexico ETA.

Tweeted Gov back. :)


IRP 2020 director appears to try to baffle us with words/graphic arts rather than dazzle us with data possinly showing why solar/battery replacement of San Juan coal is scam/fraud?

IRP 2020 director is extremely [~3.5+ hours :( ] verbal.

9/15/20 meeting graphic materials.

Page 80.

grid-scale lithium ion battery.


Green Dream Arrives In Germany! But Repowering Obstacles Pose “Imminent Catastrophe” For Wind Power.

Natural Gas Will Gain From Energy Storage Constraint.


The Dark Side of Green Energy. Al Jazeera.

9/3/20. Grid-scale battery safe discharge levels?

Do not discharge your car battery more than 10% of its total capacity, and deep cycle batteries more than a 50% discharged state.


8/31/20. Battery charging issues.

PNM IRP 2020 August 25, 2020 webinar pfresentation materials.

PNM IRP 2020 8/25/20 webinar.

Astrape Consulting.

Nick Wintermantel wind/gridscale solar intermittent/
erratic ["minute-to-minute" :) ]non-dispatchable output audio

Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3).

Nick Phillips, Nick Wintermantel, Nick Schlag wind/solar/battery issues audio.

Question for answers from 3 Nicks.
How are the batteries charged?

Solar, wind, or fossil fuel?

How long to charge from what depletion state to full capacity?

Cost of charging equipment?




California avoided rolling blackouts for two decades. What went wrong on the grid?.

Australia’s Wind Industry Keeps On Failing to Deliver the Goods.


The Sagamore wind project will feature a combination of V110-2.0 MW and V116-2.1 MW wind turbines from Vestas.
Vestas Danish company.

Matt Williams, Williams Windmill, Lemintar NM comments on former Danish prime minister statement on wind electricity generation. 2017.
The V110-2.0 MW turbine comes with a 110m-diameter rotor and 54m-long blades, whereas the V116-2.1 MW turbine has a 116m-diameter rotor and 57m-long blades. The swept areas of the turbines are 9,503m² and 10,568m², respectively.

Featuring 80m-tall tabular steel tower, both the turbine models are designed to operate at 3m/s cut-in and 20m/s cut-out wind speed.


Xcel Energy said Friday that the wind turbine parts for the Sagamore Wind Project are rolling into a railhead north of Hobbs.

The 522-megawatt wind farm will provide electricity to Xcel’s New Mexico and Texas customers when complete later this year. It will be made up of 240 turbines..

The nearly $900 million project will power close to 194,000 typical homes [Capacity factor ~35%?] annually,

100,000 acres — in Roosevelt County.
In Japan, meanwhile, the Fifth Basic Energy Plan adopted by the government in July 2018 lists coal as an “important baseload power source for generating electricity” and calls for the government’s proactive support for developing next-generation coal-fired power plant technology.


La Joya/El Cabo field trip 8/1/20.

Transmission line construction. Looking south.

El Cabo construction site.

La Joya site? SW of El Cabo.

Two cranes required, we learned.

Truck outside Encino NM.

Travelled from direction of El Cabo.

El Cabo.


El Cabo/La Joya Gamesa [Spain <- $s] turbines, we read.

70 minute social distancing trip from abq to el cabo.

La Joya constuction appears to be serial as opposed to El Cabo parallel.

El Cabo wind turbines delivered to site, placed on wood timbers, then installed.

La Joya appear each delivered then installed.

Lots fewer workers observed.

North Dakota workers?

The neighboring El Cabo Wind Farm, also operated by Avangrid, generates 298 megawatts. That project cost around $500 million, according to Pitts.
Pattern Energy’s Corona Wind Center will help transform the energy economy of the American West. At more than 3,000 collective megawatts, the seven Corona Wind Center projects will be the most affordable, reliable, renewable power available to customers from California to New Mexico.

Pattern is by far the largest wind developer in New Mexico. It already operates 550 MW of wind farms near Clovis that now supply renewable electricity to utilities in California and other Western states. The company invested $1.6 billion in those projects, creating about 700 construction jobs and 30 permanent jobs, Webster said.

Pattern Energy will break ground this fall on a 1,000-megawatt complex of wind farms in central eastern New Mexico, as well as a new 150-mile transmission line to carry those electrons to Western markets.

Pattern’s Western Spirit Wind Development project represents about a $1.5 billion investment ...


La Joya wind farm field trip.

Upper left.

Avangrid. Previously Iberdrola. El Cabo wind farm.

Earth boring bits?

Three portable toilets.

Workers wearing masks.

Tube use?

Holes in flange at top of tube?

Wind turbine base technology?

High Lonesome Clipper wind turbines south of Williard NM.



New Mexico End-use energy consumption 2018, estimates.


New Mexico End-use energy consumption 2018, estimates.

coal, gas dispathable? 77%

Wind/gridscale solar not dispatchable? "intermittent". Requires "fossil-fueled" backup,
PNM VP Thomas Fallgren concludes in his 'Energy Sources' report. 22%


7/21/20 14:17

Hello Mark,

You wrote in your 7/17/20 email.
Hi Bill,

We were not sure what you were looking for. The 2015 Sankey diagram is on page 13 of the Energy roadmap baseline report.
When I clicked on above link

Unable to find "2015 Sankey diagram is on page 13". But located

This is what I was looking for.

You wrote
The spider chart for New Mexico does not seem to exist on the EIA page anymore– at least I could not find it. The EIA NM Sankey diagrams have not been updated since 2014.
Updates available for 2017.18,19?

You wrote
Jacqueline is also collecting Grid Mod baseline data from each utility (at least those who don’t think my questionnaire is awful) and so we should have individual utility data soon that has renewable electricity retail sales in NM.
Be valuable imo. Please send.

You wrote
I must apologize Bill. Three of us looked for the data, but then did not respond to your request. If you can sharpen the goal of what data you are looking for, or rationale that is needing promotion, that would help us.
Will do.

Non-engineers dominated PNM Integrated Resource Planning from ~2007. Interest in a subject I knew little about attendance reason. Attended nearly all ... if I was invited. May have attended IRP 2014?

Verbal comments culminated in written opinions final reports. Invited to attend IRP 2017.

PNM engineers sized control. IRP 2017 final report based on PNM data! PNM data presented in 6/22/20 EMNRD suggests wind/gridscale solar scam/fraud. And PRC hearing examiners have reverted to written opinions instead of relying on IRP 2017 data?
PRC hearing examiners Anthony Medeiros and Ashley Schannauer released a nearly 200-page recommendation in late June that offers different options for the five-member commission to choose from.
~$ billions invested in New Mexico wind farms, we read. Detailed investigations required?

High-reliability/safety certifiable software another of my interests, and hopefully , expertise and ability. Electronics thermal management too. Wind turbines are loaded with electronics we learned from High Lonesome engineer Mike and others.

Software too? I am coauthor of Boeing 767 Software Certification Policy 1980. Boeing engineers' 760 Software Standards required no module > ~ 60 lines of code.

Reason is that failures could be traced to failing module(s).

~60 requirement was traced back to 1966 737 software. I wrote two Sandia Labs-approved books on these types of software. ~1990 c/c++ was promoted at SNLA.

SNLA department manager Paul Stokes told me I would have to leave. Presumably
because of our software work. c/c++/Linux [written in c] used in wind turbine software? Gridscale solar systems too? Software from my second SNLA book stopped working on PCs beginning with Windows 7.

And resumed working under Windows 10.

c/c++/Linux software used in Boeing 737 MAX information request project.

If so, software requires rewrite?

Wind turbine/gridscale solar software may have to be rewrewrittenitten too?

As well as SNLA weapons software? Hope this helps you understand what we are up to and why?

Please provide requested information.

Best regards,



Hi Bill, We were not sure what you were looking for. The 2015 Sankey diagram is on page 13 of the Energy roadmap baseline report.

The spider chart for New Mexico does not seem to exist on the EIA page anymore– at least I could not find it. The EIA NM Sankey diagrams have not been updated since 2014.

Here is the monthly EIA data for the State. It has the data manipulated to show a % of sales. Of course the bulk of the renewable generation goes out of state so not very indicative of end use consumption. Jacqueline is also collecting Grid Mod baseline data from each utility (at least those who don’t think my questionnaire is awful) and so we should have individual utility data soon that has renewable electricity retail sales in NM.

I must apologize Bill. Three of us looked for the data, but then did not respond to your request. If you can sharpen the goal of what data you are looking for, or rationale that is needing promotion, that would help us.

Best Regards,

Mark Gaiser
Program Manager
1220 S. Saint Francis Dr.
Santa Fe, NM 87505



PRC to decide on coal replacement power by July 29.

Unreliable Wind & Solar Force Californians to Rely On Diesel Generators.
State regulators signed off Thursday on PG&E’s plan to use about
450 megawatts of diesel generation to power homes, businesses,
hospitals and other critical facilities as part of the utility’s effort to
reduce disruptions during the shutoffs.
Permian Output Set to Keep Shrinking.


Avangrid Renewables starts construction on 306-MW New Mexico wind farm.

The New Mexico Public Regulation Commission, in a May 16 final order, adopted a recommended decision that calls for, among other things, conditional approval of Pacific Wind Development LLC’s request for location approval of the proposed La Joya Wind Project.

The project will be owned and operated by AVANGRID, that order noted, adding that it is anticipated that the project will include seven GE 116 turbines at 2.3 MW each, and 60 GE 127 turbines at 2.5 MW each. PNM will purchase the energy at the rate of $27.92/MWh, that order said, adding that the 20-year term begins on the commercial operation date, which is expected to be Nov. 1, 2020.

New Mexico Social distancing El Cabo field trip.

  Coal train stopped between El Cabo/La Joya and Willard, New Mexico.

Social distancing field trip to El Cabo/High Lonesome New Mexico wind farms.


Safe social distance.

High Lonesome.


PNM application, Jul 1 2019 - TransmissionHub.


Panasonic: ‘Eventually solar-plus-storage will be like air conditioning or HVAC’ but for now it’s an ’emotional sale’.

Australia: Coal towns shift focus to renewable energy.
